[@thewizardguy] Leeroy saw what had happened. He saw the massive increase in power......He saw 5's attention be diverted from Leeroy just long enough for Leeroy to do something extremely stupid, and reckless....but, that may just save the day. As 5 focused on attacking Lisa, Leeroy rushes, and grabs the creature in a full nelson, and suddenly, 5 felt....a odd peace. A odd calm, as if everything was right. To everyone else, there was a blinding light, within total darkness. Leeroy was doing something extremely dangerous. He was activating his magic purge with as much power as he could muster, everything he had was going into this. His body began to return to which it once was, his legs fusing together, and his arms becoming odd branches, holding 5 still. 5 began to feel strange, as if he very soul, or his being, was getting pulled from his body, for 5 was some sort of amalgamation of machine, and magic. Soon, all that would be left was a tree, with two fruit, one filled with a kind soul, full of life, and nature energies. The other....would be filled with whatever 5 was. Clayman rushes Cosmos, not going to let him unweave what was happening. With grunts of utter pain, he formed a large spike, and chucked it at Cosmos, hoping to spear him. Extremely desperate times, called for extremely desperate tactics. Even as it flew, the spike began to correct its flight path, aiming for a center mass hit. Drac struggled within the hold, before his gauntlet began to glow, and his body began to let off a dark green energy, necronic energy, that which gathered in massive gatherings of the undead, or in their kingdoms. This would begin to weaken the dragon emperor, if he was a living being. If undead himself, it would heal, and empower him. If an automaton, it would begin to rust him, and age him, in a sense. In the darkness, the bounty hunter kept his lock on the void walker, and as he dashed forth, he began to weave some sort of magic, which he launched at her. He wanted to either kill, or capture at least one..and she seemed to be quite the prize, being rather useful to her allies. As he chucks said magic, he also throws a large amount of odd beads, aiming to have them land around her, rather than on her. "Surprise, purple chick!" He yells, grinning, again having fun, despite how bad things are.