Sure, have a couple from my recent ones. [hider=Gehrman Steinback] [b]Group:[/b] Doll Hunter [b]Name:[/b] Gehrman Steinback [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Gehrman is a cold and calculating type, preferring to observe and learn of his prey before starting to hunt it. He has a fascination for the occult, and is an ardent supporter of outlandish and even insane conspiracy theories related to the supernatural. Nonetheless, he is driven by his ambition on destroying Dolls and their supposed mind-control over the "Doll Masters". He may even deem the Doll Masters beyond salvation if they seem unreasonable, believing that they have been completely overtaken by Doll influence, and thus seeks to end the spread of such corruption witch-hunter-style. [b]Backstory:[/b] Gehrman was always interested in the supernatural since early youth, which his father, who was an inventor, tried to discourage in him, seeing it as the devil's route. However, after a mysterious incident which left his father dead and mother crippled, with no culprit to be found, Gehrman immediately suspected entities who were out of this world, and began to search for any way he could exact revenge on them. He found out about the Dolls, and their weakness to nails, and set out to cleanse the world of their apparent malice. [b]Skills:[/b] Gehrman has profound knowledge over the occult, and has good awareness for tracking his prey. He is also a bit of an inventor, having created his nail-based weaponry using his father's research notes. He is skilled in close combat, able to stand up against opponents most humans would be unable to, and also capable of using his strength and precision to successfully punch his nails like a witch-hunter would drive a stake through a vampire's heart. [b]Weapons:[/b] Wields a nailgun on one hand, specially crafted for hunting Dolls and their ilk. On his other hand Gehrman wields the Nail Driver, another weapon crafted against Doll-like creatures, which is a close-combat weapon used to puncture the opponent with a large stake-like nail using steam-powered motors. The weapon is designed to be held over the arm like a gauntlet, and can also be used to block attacks like a shield: [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Maria Goethe][b]Name:[/b] Maria Goethe [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Maria uses a wheelchair to feign the appearance of a paraplegic. She uses her magic to move the wheelchair around. [b]Personality:[/b] Maria casts an outward appearance of a cheery, kind girl, always smiling while talking in a bubbly voice. However, beneath this social mask lies a mind broken by years of abuse into a dark and ruthless girl, her empathy withered away and her trust in other people hard to come by, devolving into paranoia when she is stressed. She has a fear of inferiority, and combats this by being driven by her lust for power, her ambition being her escape from the creeping despair that silently clutches her heart. While she keeps a sociable appearance about herself, in truth she doesn't have a lot of friends, and keeps her relationships with other people strictly as business. However, she has started to grow fond of her maid Fantine, and won't tolerate any cases of her mistreatment. [b]Bio:[/b] Maria was thrown into an orphanage before she could even remember the faces of her parents, who died shortly after her birth. She was brutally beaten and abused at a regular pace by the personnel there. However, before she was driven to an abyss of despair, she met a boy by the name of Klaus there, who promised to protect her and get them out of the orphanage. In time, she developed feelings for the boy. One night they attempted an escape, but were about to be caught when Maria met an Incubator. Seeing that Klaus was caught, she made her wish and the two of them escaped successfully. Later, Klaus was caught by an anti-MG mob and tortured to death due to his connections to Magical Girls after following Maria. Maria found out about this, and became determined to rule the world and take revenge on the people who took Klaus away from him, by any means possible. Over the following years, Maria managed to worm her way to the position of a lieutenant in the Aurora City Authority through her persuasion skills, guile and political maneuvers, even resorting to underhanded tactics such as backstabbing and using torture to squeeze valuable secrets out of any hapless victim she managed to capture alive. Of course, she doesn't plan on stopping there, either... Her domain includes the territory of a magical girl named Eponine, who has requested her home to be placed under Maria's, and by extension, Aurora's protection and rule and that her sister is given a place of refuge in Maria's HQ. In return, Maria demanded Eponine to swear fealty to her, and that Fantine will serve as her personal maid. [b]Allegiance:[/b] Aurora City Authority [b]Theme:[/b] [url=]A Stranger I Remain[/url] [b]Skills:[/b] Maria could be said to have a silver tongue, for she is very convincing and manipulative with her words, sprouting seeds of doubt and despair in any heart she can pierce with her angelic voice. She also has a profound knowledge of politics and tactics, and specializes in psychological warfare. [b]Weapons:[/b] Maria keeps a small dagger under her dress as a paranoid measure, though due to her status as a Magical Girl, rarely uses it. [b]Other:[/b] Maria loves sweet things such as cakes and cookies, and spends a lot of her free time snacking on them. [b]Magical Girl Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Maria keeps her eye-design and creepy demeanour while as a Magical Girl. Her costume also has more shades of dark-green and black. [b]Wish:[/b] "I wish to move Klaus away from his fate." [b]Weapons:[/b] A scythe with an intricate, flowery design going from the hilt all the way to the blade's end. Can be manipulated to change the position of the blade, making for a surprisingly adaptive weapon despite its unwieldiness. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Telekinesis[/i]. Maria may use her magic to control the movement of any object or person in her line of sight, including herself. For example, she can fly through the air, throw and draw distant targets and even freeze people in place. However, she needs to have one of her hands unoccupied and spread open for her to cast the magic from her palm and her fingers for multitasking and subtle movements, making her unable to use this power if her hands are unusable or occupied. Breaking her focus also results in the spell's canceling. She may also perform a Force Choke-like spell on normal humans which Magical Girls are immune to.[/hider]