His rifle up in a ready position, Duncan turned slowly into the tunnels, scanning left and right with long, slow steps. Clear. He waved Eika along and headed in, still unsure of how to start a conversation. They continued for some time in silence before Eika spoke up; already on edge from the fight and unexpected kiss, Duncan's overprotective streak suddenly surfaced with a vengeance. [b]'Wait, you got [i]shot?[/i]'[/b] Slinging his weapon over one shoulder, Duncan pulled the other SeeD to one side under a service light. A bullet wound was a serious injury even for a GF user, but Eika had clearly been hit by more than one round. [b]'Why the Hell didn't you say anything? We had Kein running triage. Christ... sit down.'[/b] Luckily his earlier nerves were overridden by concern, so for the moment at least, Duncan didn't feel so self-concious. For five long minutes he busied himself with checking for bullet wound and applying liberal amounts of curative magic. It wasn't until he spotted blood seeping though the front of her clothes that he pulled up short, again suddenly very aware of her. [b]'I-I think you're ok. Yeah. Good enough to move, right..?'[/b] He wasn't great at healing but had nevertheless patched up at least five wounds, enough to stop Eika bleeding out. He paused for a moment mid-stutter to took a deep, calming breath. [b]'Alright... We need to talk. About a few things really, but let's start with why you're not still in the infirmary.'[/b] Duncan helped Eika to her feet and the two of them started moving on down the service tunnel. His tone was level but carried an edge to it; Eika had broken God only knew how many regulations to get here and while he was grateful for the timely intervention, there would be disciplinary consequences.