[Center][img]http://slodive.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/black-girl-hairstyles/ashley-poolside.jpg[/img] Name Sierra D. Lovett Age Twenty-Seven Appearance Sierra has light brown skin, and long arms and legs. She has brown short cut hair for maneuverability, though if she grows it out it looks fairy curly at the ends. Her skin is rough and calloused, both from fighting werewolves and taking care of the farm. She is 6'0-as height runs in her family-, which makes her taller than most women. She weighs 145lbs, and has brown eyes. Human, Werewolf, Or Hunter? Sierra is the fourth generation of Hunter in her bloodline. Were You Born Into It? Sierra was born into being a hunter. History Sierra grew up like any normal child, with the exception of her intense weapons training. Throughout her life, she has had the knowledge of werewolves. Hunting has kept her strong, and it has kept her family together. Sierra knew weapons and strategies better than she did most of her close friends. And until she was fifteen, she savored this life. Her family kept a farm, with a two story farmhouse and a large red barn you'd see in movies, where they raised animals, planned attacks, and kept their weaponry. One night, a week after Sierra's fifteenth birthday, her family heard of a nest of werewolves that they decided they would take care of. They left Sierra alone at the large farm, because of the danger that this mission could hold. Only one of her family members returned. Her older grandfather, who told her of the unexpected numbers in the pack, and the planned counterattack. Sierra was heartbroken, and after that, she was almost never the same. Instead of being a cheerful, fun-loving teen, she grew a hard shell. She decided that she would spend her free time training, and taking care of her grandfather. When Sierra turned twenty, her grandfather fell ill. She did her best to save him, but he didn't want to be saved. So when he died he left Sierra with a small amount of money, and a ton of grief. Sierra was alone with her farm animals, in a house that was far too big for one person. Later on in life, Sierra discovered more hunters like her. She joined up with them, and was able to start making new friends. Other Weapons: [Url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130608204721/finalfantasy/images/b/be/Type-0_Longbow.png]Silver Bow /w Arrows[/url] & [url=http://rs296.pbsrc.com/albums/mm184/ESP-Fan/dagger.jpg~320x480]Dagger[/url] Clothing: [url=http://trendymods.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/green-renaissance-cloaks.jpg]Cloak[/url] & [url=http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/4/45/Mesmer_Elite_Rogue_armor_f.jpg/100px-Mesmer_Elite_Rogue_armor_f.jpg]Armor[/url] Relationships James: James found Sierra shortly after her grandfather died, and he told her he had a place in the main group of hunters. [i]"I like James, he took me in when I was down, and he told me how to fix my problems. I'll follow him, but I think he needs to be more sincere."[/i] Anthar: [/Center]