[color=ed1c24][b]"We have the Presidential Suite"[/b][/color], Cole said plainly as he lead the group to their room on the ground floor. From the outside you could only see the dirty window and slightly tattered curtains. Once Cole opened the door the real horror was revealed. There was one bed, the sheets were obviously stained with multiple...questionable liquids. The walls were stained by cigarette smoke and were worn away either by neglect or physical damage from the rooms previous guests. The bathroom was missing some tiles and the shower head was rusted terribly. Cole stood at the center of the small room and turned towards Naddy and Miller, [color=ed1c24][b]"I know it doesn't look like much. But that's because this isn't where we are staying"[/b][/color]. He didn't say another word before stepping into the closet. The closet had a false back which revealed a staircase, Cole descended down and at the bottom was another door, opening it revealed nothing but darkness. However Cole had been here before, to his left was a switch which upon Cole's flipping of it revealed a large main chamber. It was well furnished and rather luxurious in design. [color=ed1c24][b]"This is the living room. The kitchen is through the door at the end of the room. The bathroom is on the first right hallway and the bedrooms on the second. The bedroom at the end of the hall is mine, get yourself settled I have to unload the car. Tomorrow we have to talk..oh yeah and the pool is down the stairs in the kitchen"[/b][/color], Cole didn't wait for their reply instead he simply headed back up the stairs and towards the car. Bedrooms: [hider][img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/508f42d0e4b05d6afd9a35ef/50ac8f07e4b0e6d02fd7bcb9/50ac8f08e4b079767f99d643/1353486356126/Underground+-+Bedroom+-+final.jpg?format=750w[/img][/hider] Living Room: [hider][img]http://coolroomideass.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/modern-bachelor-living-room-ideas.jpg[/img][/hider] Kitchen: [hider][img]http://cs309816.vk.me/v309816762/6144/PB_s3YZC0IY.jpg[/img][/hider] Bathrooms: [hider][img]http://www.iunza.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Classy-Bathroom-Ideas-using-Wall-Mounted-Art-on-Gray-Wall-Ceramic-Tile-and-Pedestal-Sink-plus-Faucet-and-Wall-Mounted-Towel-Bar-and-Shower-completed-Wooden-Flooring-940x588.jpg[/img][/hider] The Pool: [hider][img]http://inspire.scorchsolutions.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Golden-Oaks-Plot-1-1.jpg[/img][/hider]