[quote=@Ace of Hearts] Does this mean the rest of Orlandis suffers from a patriarchal and misogynist standard of living for the sake of gritty realism? [/quote] Sort of? The intent is to make this as sensible as possible and make diverse cultural inclinations. Generally there are also cultural exceptions as I imagine in Expanse & Verge as well as The Northlands. I'm about to head to bed otherwise I could probably counter this better, but for the sake of argument: yes, Orlandis is an analogue to medieval europe so they are going to be primarily patriarchal in nature as their succession laws are agnatic-cognatic (females only inherit titles if there are no male heirs). That said given Caelia & Antari follow a philosophy invented by a female they are probably completely different, The Northlands also hold women to an equal standard but it's fairly uncommon for females to seek out duties as soldiers. But right, going to bed.