Chell had been wandering after leaving Rawk. Eventually, she found her way to her partner. Runner stood by the beach watching a fight, which ended, apparently, when one of them knocked the other to the feet of a different viewer. Runner moved quickly, seeing another possible fight. However, she hadn't been watching where she had been going and fell into the crater that was still there, landing head first and breaking her neck. However, this was undone with the rewind that happened, leaving her a few footsteps away from the crater. This time, she leapt over the hole before sliding to a stop beside Sonus and Ryan. Chell had witnessed Runner die and rewind with no expression. Unlike her partner, Chell had a simpler way to get to the new guy. With her gel gun, she painted an orange path with a blue spot at the end, making her able to jump the crater. She landed not far from the group and walked to them quickly.