[hider=Big Ass Picture] [IMG]http://www.moe-acg.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/2014-11-2048.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [B]Appearance Description:[/B] Standing at 1.78 meters, the girl is quite big compared to other people, as well as fairly slim weighing 64 kilograms. She's got long black hair reaching her waist and piercing blue eyes. [B]Name:[/B] Hiiragi, Tsumiki [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Year:[/B] 3 [B]Reason For Joining:[/B] Her original reason for joining has long since been forgotten. Now, as the president, she wants to make sure to finally solve the seven mysteries that her senpai tried to solve. During her first year, it seems that her reason for joining was nothing less but a crush on the president at the time. [B]Skills:[/B] She has great skills as a detective and has become able to deduce things with even the smallest of things. She has become known for her legendary ability to maintain her cool, no matter the situation too. Also, holds the most information over two mysteries that have been discovered, even so, she hasn't been able to solve the second one, even less on her own. Her survivalist skills are also top notch, after nurturing them for two years now and is able to detect danger right away. [B]Personality:[/B] While she may seem cold and aloof she is in fact a person with quite some humor. Even with a poker face on, she will be rowdy and crack jokes you would never expect from someone so serious looking. It is actually really hard to get her out of her comfort zone or distract her when she is reading a book. It may seem that there's nothing that can surprise her anymore, and she claims that to be the case, after experiencing the other two mysteries so many times. However, she still has a deep fear for the remaining 5, but has an undying spirit and drive to unravel them that wins over her fear. [B]Biography:[/B] She entered Miyama academy merely because it was near her house. She never actually thought that she was going to become involved in such gruesome things in a school. She first decided to join the club because she had a crush on the senpai that ran the club at the time. However, she soon regretted it. Going into the first mystery was horrible enough, enough to give someone else a heart attack, but the second one... that's when her true regret started. If it hadn't been for that, her senpai would still be alive. Tsumiki decided to stick around because she wanted to honor her senpai's memory. Soon enough, the next president fell to the same mystery as the previous one, leacing the second mystery unsolved yet again. Now, the drive in her heart not to die as her predecessors is strong and, even though the mystery club was mostly abandoned by everyone else after the death of the second president, she decided to stay and take over the club so as to not see it die and have everyone's deaths be in vain. She is still researching on her own on why the hell is the club still allowed to exist even with a body count behind its back that, after reading the records of the club, has only gone up with every passing year. [B]Relationships:[/B] -to be added- [B]Other:[/B] She almost always carries a book with her. When solving a mystery, she carries with herself a notebook with several notes on what she has gone through in the mysteries and what she has been able to recollect while reading the records of the past members of the club. It seems none of the past club members but one has been able to completely see all of the mysteries. The current club is prohibited to ask anything to them about the mysteries, though, as he was able to reach all of them but didn't solve the seventh. It is said that said person is right now traumatized and can barely go out on their own. [hr] I'll leave my CS here for any of you guys that might be wondering who your president club. I'll also work on another one that will be an actual club member with all of you guys, since the prez will only help give out clues and whatnot.