They were about to go into battle against a foe that specialized in killing. Fenrir's reaction was not the one Domini hoped for and hearing it took her breath away. Sure she looked quite young for her age but she didn't expect to be treated like a child. It gave her pause for a moment as she wondered where it all broke down with those before her. But now was not the time to dissent, she would have to save the lecture for later. They were already too far into this to back out now. Either Fenrir didn't know why they were there or didn't feel like sharing. Neither of those two would bode well in the long run. With a plan in place the alien got ready. Since they were the bait so to speak things were going to get rough very quickly. Landing briefly they dropped off the first part of the team and Twilight took over piloting. That was good because she herself had no experience with such a thing and from speaking with the girl she appeared to have done it before. As they swung around it didn't take long before they were spotted. And that detail was made clear as the Cruiser began to get pelted by bullets. Glancing at the window she spotted an RPG being lifted toward them. "[color=violet][b]Hang on, we've got incoming rockets![/b][/color]" Not much time the hybrid unbuckled herself and ran for the back of the cruiser and opened a hatch. By now the projectile was already in flight. Hands flashing a a deep purple she let loose a psionic blast. Thankfully not limited by physical resistance it met its target in seconds and exploded mid air. Having pretty much taken point she began returning fire and picking off anyone and anything she could. Getting shot out of the air was not high on her list of things to do in her lifetime. Of course the growing sound was hard to understand before the man-bats swooped into view. Great, so it wasn't just the targets on the ground they had to worry about. While she was distracted the flurry of fire headed straight for her but were blocked by a force field of some kind. She had no idea the cruiser was equipped with such a thing. With that in mind she continued with her attack.