Complete: [centre][IMG][/IMG][/centre] [B]Appearance Description: Peashy is a short girl with strawberry blonde hair with large red hair bobbles and cerulean blue eyes. Her hair colour is blonde it is long in length, making it past her shoulders. Height - 167cm Weight - 61Kg Bust Size - F[/B] [B]Name: Tai Kagura[/B] [B]Age: 17[/B] [B]Year: 3[/B] [B]Reason For Joining:[/B] "It's not like I joined because I wanted to. The councillor made me do it. Out of all the other dumb clubs, yours' seemed the most entertaining. I can't wait to bust some myths like that weird american TV show. What?! N-n-no! I don't watch it! What gave you that idea?!" [B]Skills:[/B] Being who she is, Kagura is head strong and brave. She never gives up on an idea or goal once she has her mind on it, doing whatever she can to complete her goal. Kagura hates seeing her friends and fellow club members frown and make sad faces, she tries her best to keep the mood happy or energetic, to keep everybody's moral and hopes up. When Kagura ditches school, she normally visits the gym as to keep up her physical health due to her aspirations of becoming a world champion boxer, she has very high Stamina and Strength, but also can't handle pain very well and is prone to getting hurt easily. [B]Personality:[/B] Kagura is energetic and often gets into trouble, but she welcomes danger with open arms. She often gets into mischief with her friends in the popular crowd of the high school, normally she wouldn't be caught dead hanging around school doing activities, she thinks school is a waste of time and money and could be used for better things. Despite this, Kagura is by no means a ditzy moron, she is actually quite bright, but has many moments of stupidity which can be seen as cutesy or adorable behavior. Normally the cheerful or go getter of the group, she can become easily enraged or frustrated over trivial things, but tries to keep calm in serious situations. She can be stubborn and rude, but it's just a part of her Tsudere nature. She loves to play around a lot and is a bit on the rough side. [B]Biography:[/B] Kagura stems from a very cultured and prideful family, to which she despises beyond all belief. She prefers to mess around and have fun, doing what she wants and not what others tell her to do or how to behave. Despite the constant flow of culture being forced upon her, she normally breaks away from her Asian heritage and watches programs or movies from America or divulge in more Western society due to her keen interest in it and her dislike of her own upbringing. Kagura dreams of one day being a world champion boxer, although she would happily settle for national champ, she holds this dream close to her heart and takes most if not all of her opportunities away from school, at the gym, or enjoying a stress relief with her friends. Her parents disapprove of her behavior, views on school and dislike of her heritage, they constantly remind her of how she should act and what she should be doing. To which she ignores them and does what she feels is best for her. Though her parents have never stopped their daughter, they try and push her into the right direction indirectly, by contacting the school, Miyama Acadamy, to keep watchful eyes on her and to make sure she stays out of trouble. [B]Relationships:[/B] [This will be added later on when all the characters have been accepted and will be updated as the story goes on] [B]Other:[/B] When Kagura is in a good mood, her hair will be up with her favorite cherry hair ties. When she is depressed she will let her hair be untied.