[Center] [Img]http://static.zerochan.net/Zombie-man.full.1436629.jpg[/img] Name: Christiphor Lloyd [Color=lightblue]"You can just call me Chris....let's not keep it formal between us."[/color] Gender: [Color=lightblue]"I...forgot... Maybe you could check for me."[/color] Undead Male Age: 30 Breast size: [Color=lightblue]"I don't have breast but I'd love to hear yours."[/color] Sexuality: [Color=lightblue]"I just love women!"[/color] Straight Personality: Chris is a giant perv and is very active for his age. Ever since he became a zombie he's been less serious and more playful. History: [Color=lightblue]"No, no, no, less about me and tell me more about yourself."[/color] Occupation: [Color=lightblue]"I'm your normal loving Principal."[/color] Other: Its best to stand clear of this guy. [/center]