[h3]Each to his own[/h3] For the past week, a sequence of events chained relating to pursuing Jack the White Chapel Ghoul but nowhere to be found; The Akuran Gang were so far have been silent and not made any move. Everyone went back to do their daily activities and in that span of week were just lessons that are trivial and boring. Today, for those who have club meeting then it is their day as the martial arts club are on the hot list. [b]Martial Arts Training Club (Tuesdays, Thursdays, [u]Saturdays[/u]) Member list: Chairman: ??? Stella Mori [u] *Fine Arts Club (Mondays and Fridays) Member list:[/u] [u] *Flower Arrangement Club (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) Member list:[/u] [u]Special Tactics Club (Wednesdays and Fridays) Club Advisor: Member list:[/u] [s]Computer/Hacking Club (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) Member list:[/s] [u]'Special Classes' Club (Everyday) Sign-up not required.[/u] Tea Club (Lunch Time, any day you want) Chairman: Kenobi-sensei Kurogane Kiyoshi Manga Club Chairman: Hoshira Kae Member List: Tsurara Ria Arajuku Ueno[/b] The following clubs without the cancellation are sent to the student's H.A Phone. The Hybrid Academy Student Mobile Phone is touch screen with self sustaining battery and sturdy body are made out of the former #2 Level 5, Dark Matter; Teitoku Kakine and engineered batteries are powered by the former #3 Level 5; Railgun, Misaka Mikoto; Powered by Misaka Network and Misaka WORST. The Network not only powers up the batteries for a week of 100% charge but also makes Internet 1000 Mbps and 10 Terrabyte memory. These phones are successfully made 15 years ago with all the help of the Kihara and Andromeda Industries. Today's technology are Eco-friendly all thanks to the former level 5. The phones are one of the inventions made by Andromeda Industries. The Industry risked in power 15 years ago. Brought up by its Investor, Felicia Truman. Back to the Saturday Classes, all class's are dismissed early with the exception of some students willing to stay in school and get ready for Monday's Club Recruitment Event and guest event by Felicia Truman herself. [h3]Tsurara Ria[/h3] Apartment Well. It all dated back a week ago; April 1,20XX and then to April 4 and now today. Flashback.... Back in April 1 Ria was ambushed by a bunch of Skill Out and claimed a name as Akura rather it is a sub faction of Skill Out, group naming in all honesty. Day after day Ria would get ambushed by the gang and April 1 was the day she stopped letting them go. Currently.... Ria is in her skimpy short towel, covering her body with her hair tied seated on her comfy ice chair with her legs crossed. She got her hostage still tied up and frozen with the exception of his head; she took care of this male hostage who knows a valuable information. "Taiki, I've been looking for you everywhere, this is the guy I want to show you." As always the ice esper and her vigilante activity, at this rate she would have been punished by Judgement. She kept the hostage for a week now, how she took care of him? It is very severe, if the hostage wants to go to the toilet or anything like that, Ria would defrost him and unfroze him and if he tries to escape, he would experience borderline frostbite torture. She explains what she does to the guy for the past week. "Well, I froze his allies too in the windowless building." Scene switches they are still suspended in animation. "The hostage is severely injured. I almost frost his balls off when he tried something funny but anyways, what should we do with him?" Ria talking about and not modest enough. [@Styrgwyr]