[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dRndz0g.gif[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Yvette Stowe [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] Yvette takes the appearance of a tall girl, being about 6 feet with messy brown/blonde hair and pale skin. She has a rather morning dew look to her and her eyes are constantly applied with makeup since she has grown quite attached to materialistic possessions. Without the eye makeup she has noticeably smaller eyes with dark circles from her lack of sleep. Though she has a rather jittery appearance, Yvette is actually quite lax and laid back. [b]Species/Occupation: [/b] Hunter [b]Background:[/b] They lived blissfully unaware of their surroundings, as happy as an average middle class family could be. What more could they want? They had everything; A house by the country side, two children, and a family pet to fill in that last missing hole in their heart. It was all so perfect, so perfect that even Yvette's parents sensed something was off... Yet they continued on, swimming in their ignorance and skipping on with life. Yvette was an average girl, with average grades, an average lifestyle, and an average family. She would always come home from school to greet her mother and father, whom would sit at the porch, anticipating the arrival of their precious children. Her mother was a simple nurse, while her father was a plumber. Though their jobs weren't too great, they made enough to keep their family happy and healthy. When had it happened? She didn't remember... But what she did remember were the faces of her parents as she was shoved away into the tight crevices of the basement stairs. It... Whatever it was, had decided to prey on her family. Her family that was just unlucky on that fateful night. She and her brother were discovered by investigators covered in their own vomit and urine, both children a sobbing mess. Her brother, barely being 3 years old had already been traumatized by the events that took place at their home. Thankfully, their uncle Roger took them in. Yvette's father warned her about him, how he was schizophrenic, and did odd things. But it turned out that his ramblings had ended up to be true, and what actually killed her parents was an adult werewolf. Revenge is what she had wanted, and so that is what her uncle had given her. She was trained underneath his wing, and soon prospered and surpassed that old crazy fool. When she was old enough, she left her brother in the care of her aunt, and went elsewhere to put her skills to use. [b]Relationships:[/b]Dimitri Kozlov and Thomas Young: supposedly all of their relationships started in Alaska. She had ran into both of them leaving the state, when she was rather curious what their business was waddling about so late, she had decided to tag along on their adventures, seeing as they had somewhat common goals.