[quote=@Pumirya] That fact aside, a shower accident-death DID happen in one. Anyways... moving on... I had thought earlier of breaking the trials down into more then one post, but since everyone else didn't have a lot to do until they were over, I opted for a post that would include them all, to hopefully at least give everyone something)s to observe-react to. As far as the end being a bit cliche.. I obviously didn't want, neither did I believe Hagumi wold make it through the ordeal unscathed. Also, at the same time, I didn't want to go to the other extreme and kill her off... so there was the medium as best I could come up with. Now, it may go without being said, but there is still a potentially fatal level of mana and energy loss, from which we can presumably Hagumi will be saved and we can move on to more village burning and.. I mean.. what? [/quote] I'm sorry, but Hagumi fainting after a major event in the RP is almost overtaking [s]the fate of her boyfriends[/s] as a running gag at this point.