[b][i][u][color=00aeef]Chapter 1: Shore.[/color][/u][/i][/b] The air was crisp and smelling of sweet ocean that morning. The night before had been a hard one, the ship having barely rode out a storm that most ships would have been sunk against, but commander Calder wasn't the type of man to be phased by mother nature, no he was much colder than anything she had to throw at him and just as he was able to weather any storm he expected the same from his crew. He and the spotter/Huntsman "Lex" were the only ones awake besides the crew members tending to the sails and keeping the ship sailing strong. The Commander was as steady as a mountain as they sailed, his eyes staying fixed on the horizon and his heart focused on finding a place to call home. Lex was already in a bad mood, having been put on crow's nest because of his hunters eyes and his not being afraid of heights and to make matters worse they had decided to keep Umbra below deck since she couldn't get into the Crow's nest with him, After all she was a dire wolf and that meant she was large enough for him to ride her like a horse in desperate times. Then as if nature was truly a cruel and uncaring witch, a storm had hit them in the night and the ship barely made it out the other side, it was a mix of him and that commander, A man as unmoving as the mountains back home. Lex breathed a sigh and took a bite of some salted pork he ha with him, "[color=39b54a]Damn Ocean's making me ill.[/color]" He might have taken another bite but right as he went to the fog broke and up ahead a ways he could see a massive amount of land, not just an island...no...this was a whole continent. Lex grabbed his rope and threw himself over the side of the nest swinging himself down to land on deck with a light thud, "[color=00a651]Land Ho Captain![/color]" Commander Calder looked at Lex as if waiting for more. After a moment Lex continued, "[color=00a651]Its not any island sir...I can smell the land from here...This is full continent.[/color]" Commander Calder nodded and a big warm smile crossed over his lips, "[color=00aeef]S'pose that means we should wake the others then.[/color]" Commander Calder grabbed the war horn off his side and blasted a trumpet so loud it echoed off the continent in the distance, "[color=00aeef]REST TIMES OVER!!! THIS AINT NO TIME FOR SLEEPIN...LAND HO!!![/color]"