[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Lieutenant Commander Pharazon CXS (pronounced Chess) [B][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Pharazon is tall and thin, and in fact, doesn't actually look very strong. Pharazon has chosen a non-gendered, androgynous physical appearance, and prefers non-gendered pronouns such as 'they' and 'them', but is fine if people refer to them as 'he' or 'she'. They have short, green hair, and serious, green eyes. Their face is usually expressionless, with a touch of amused curiosity [hider=Pharazon][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/f8cf0c2e23eebcc8108910f74ee632e2/tumblr_nkb86pXGl91sojsjno1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider][B][u]Age:[/u][/b] 20. Looks about 20 [B][u]Race:[/u][/b] Quantum [B][u]Citizenship:[/u][/b] Horizon [B][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Pharazon is one of those Quantums who has chosen to break away from supposed 'human limitations'. This is first most apparent in their choice of gender expression. It is also apparent in their choice to keep their emotions in check, despite still being subject to them. Pharazon idolizes the ideal of what a Quantum could become, the 'perfect machine'. Pharazon is all about performing tasks, and following orders. Therefore a few things bother Pharazon greatly: though Pharazon sees racism as something beneath them, they have difficulty dealing with things that they assume to be unpredictable and prone to irrationality, that is to say, humans. While Pharazon does not hate humans, Pharazon is afraid of working with them for fear of losing control of the task at hand. Pharazon also seeks new knowledge and information, yet processes information very slowly. They therefore consume information through very traditionally human means, for example, reading and looking stuff up, instead of downloading it into their mind directly. Part of this need for knowledge also manifests as a desire to interact with humans, despite Pharazon's reluctance. Pharazon can be a bit blunt and forward, especially when a task needs doing. They may occasionally falter when it comes to being tactful. Pharazon has the unfortunate penchant for not speaking their mind when they should, and for silently shouldering burdens unnecessarily [B][u]History:[/u][/b] Pharazon was created with an adult mind, and given free reign to choose their own future. Living in a Horizon that was well into its recovery from the Race Wars decades and decades ago, things were relatively peaceful within the core star systems, some might even say luxurious. Pharazon was faced with the philosophical questions that so often accompanied comfort, luxury, security and opportunity. Pharazon didn't know what they wanted to do with themselves, until one day they came across the philosophy of the 'perfect machine'. Pharazon found their calling, and spent their time disciplining themselves in the ways of the 'perfect machine'. Part of the philosophy, however, stressed obedience and service to the collective Quantum society, which was Horizon, so Pharazon joined the military. A fellow follower of the 'perfect machine' philosophy who happened to be working on a secret government project found out about Pharazon and decided to recruit them as the first cog-scan candidate. When Pharazon's personalized cog, Phalanx, was created, Pharazon spent a few years demonstrating its capabilities and performing tests. Due to Pharazon's success with Phalanx during tests, the Cadmus project moved to the next stage, and Pharazon awaited the next few cog-pilots that would be joining their team. [B][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] (Tentative) [url=https://soundcloud.com/orillion-lightning/the-deva?in=orillion-lightning/sets/rakuen-tsuihou-ost]The Deva - Rakuen Tsuihou OST[/url] [B][u]Cog:[/u][/b] Phalanx [B][u]Physical Description:[/u][/b] The Phalanx stands tall and broad. It is slow-moving, heavy-set, and well-armored, with two massive binders attached to its shoulders that transform into smaller, remote-controlled 'dummy cogs'. It's chest mounted shotguns and use of a spear means that it engages in close-to-medium range combat. It rushes headlong into battle, drawing attention, and making sure it can survive the punishment. The use of the Hoplites adds maneuverability, offensive power, area-control, versatility, and support. [hider=Phalanx][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llm86w05UI1qbj9bko1_1280.gif[/img] Phalanx looks like the image above, except it's shoulder guards look like the following: [img]http://i.imgur.com/THuA2.jpg[/img] These shoulder guards are called 'Hoplons' in shield form, 'Hoplites' when transformed into mechs. They are remote controlled 'dummy cogs', or 'dolls'. They are supposed to be green, like the main cog.[/hider][B][u]Tactical role:[/u][/b] Short-to-medium range vanguard melee skirmisher [B][u]Evaluation:[/u][/b] [List][*]Cog Score: 6 [*]Pilot Skill: 7 [*]Mental Fortitude: 6 [*]Obedience: 10 [/list][B][u]Weapon/Equipment/Special Systems List:[/u][/b] [List][*]2x Beam shotguns - Mounted in chest [*]1x Dorus - A retractable spear. The spearhead is solid, while a medium beam nozzle runs parallel to the shaft at the base of the blade, making it like a bayonet. The Dorus is stored on the back when not in use, and is wielded with either one or both hands. [hider=Dorus][img]http://www.gundammodelkits.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/1209182057a47d22a6f3d2f40d.jpg[/img][/hider][*]Thrusters - Enough to provide a decent (but low) amount of acceleration and propulsion. The Phalanx and detached Hoplites move faster when disconnected from each other [*]2x Hoplons/Hoplites - Mounted on shoulder when not transformed [list] [*]1x Dorus per Hoplite - The Dori can be deployed in Hoplon mode, giving the Phalanx two hidden spears/beams to attack with [/list][/list][B][u]Wishlist:[/u][/b] [hider=Upgrade Appearance][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/2/2d/Nz-666.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130331163829[/img] The two front shoulder binders remain as non-transforming guards, while the two rear shoulder binders are the same Hoplon/Hoplites[/hider][List][*]4x Beam shotguns - Mounted in chest [*]3x Dori - 1 stored on back when not in use, 2 hidden in forward binders [*]2x Anti-beam field projectors - In forward binders [*]2 Hidden arms - In forward binders. Used for wielding the hidden Dori [*]20 Scatter missiles - 10 stored in each forward binder. They are imprecise, and often travel randomly [*]Thrusters - Enough to provide a decent (but low) amount of acceleration and propulsion. The Phalanx and detached Hoplites move faster when disconnected from each other [*]2x Hoplons/Hoplites - Mounted on rear shoulder when not transformed [list] [*]1x Dorus per Hoplite [*]1x Anti-beam field projector per Hoplite [/list][/list]