[h1]EPISODE 1: THE TRIAL OF HARVEY DENT[/h1] [b]21 YEARS AGO…[/b] “Hey hun” The female voice called from the kitchen. “I was thinking, we should take a trip to Metropolis this weekend. Maybe visit Clark, I haven’t seen him in a while” Gilda had such a lovely voice, it was like birds singing for Harvey. “Sure sweetheart. We’ll head out that way as soon as I wrap up this case against Maroni” Harv straightened out is red tie and brushed the final crease from his navy blue suit. There was a reason Gotham had nicknamed him Apollo, he was gorgeous and he knew it. Picking up his father’s lucky coin, Dent slipped it into his breast pocket before walking into the kitchen. [url=http://img.poptower.com/pic-22115/sarah-gadon.jpg?d=600]Gilda’s[/url] beautiful smile widened as her new husband entered the room, she wrapped her arms around his waist and stood on the tip of her toes to kiss the edge of his nose. “Hi” She placed her head against his solid chest, still smiling, she felt like she was always smiling. A knock at the door disturbed the peace and Gilda let out a sigh. “I’ll go” Harvey reluctantly let go of his bride and went over to the kitchen table, picking up a pen to sign a document. "You know what I hate? These pens. They never seem to work whenever you need them to” Harv turned his head to see Gilda staring back in the doorway, her face blank. “What are you looking at you goof?” Out of the blue she drops to a heap onto their laminated floor and behind her stood Erin McKillen with a bloodied knife. “Hiya Harv” She launched the knife at Dent striking him in the chest. “That handsome face of yours got my sister in a lot of trouble Harvey, lets fix it shall we” Pulling a bottle from her bag, Erin splashed its contents all over the bloodied District Attorney. Lighting a match, she wandered around the living room, looking at the pictures of the happy Dent’s. “Hm, if only she had known Harvey. If only she had known just how two faced you really were” Turning around, Erin was greeted by the sight of Dent brandishing a pistol. Almost simultaneously, she flung her match against the drenched Harvey and he fired a bullet into her chest. [b]PRESENT DAY[/b] Harvey bolted up right from his slumber, his left hand grabbing his face. It felt normal, unburned, human. He was still adjusting to his recent facial reconstruction that had been bankrolled by his former best friend Bruce Wayne. As his eyes adjusted to the light, Harv looked around the room. This wasn’t his cell. This wasn’t Arkham. What on Earth? Wait…this place seemed familiar. The stone walls, the steel bolted door. Why couldn’t he remember? Other than the horrible bed, the only other things in the room were a camera fitted to the ceiling and a TV which suddenly turned itself on almost immediately as Harvey noticed it. Sitting on the screen, a masked figure, one that had become entrenched in Gotham lore, it spoke in a deep, powerful and menacing voice. [img]http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/comicsalliance.com/files/2014/01/Untitled-18.jpg[/img] [i]“PEOPLE OF GOTHAM CITY. HARVEY DENT WAS ONCE THE WHITE KNIGHT OF THIS CITY. MANY OF YOU KNOW HIM AS TWO FACE AND AS THAT MONSTER HE HAS BEEN TRIED AND CONVICTED OF NUMEROUS. OVER THE NEXT TWO DAYS HOWEVER, I WILL REVEAL TO YOU THAT THE MAN, HARVEY DENT WAS ALREADY A MONSTER LONG BEFORE HIS TRANSFORMATION. THIS MESSAGE IS BEING BROADCAST ALL OVER GOTHAM. FROM TELEVISIONS, BILLBOARDS, COMPUTERS AND CELL PHONES. YOU ALL WILL BEAR WITNESS TO THE TRIAL OF HARVEY DENT AND I, THE PHANTASM WILL SERVE AS JUDGE, JURY AMD EXECTUTIONER. HARVEY DENT, YOUR ANGEL OF DEATH AWAITS”[/i] As the screen cuts to black, Harvey spins on his feels and looks out of the barred window that sat above his head. The sky lit up with the signal of the Bat and he knew that his oldest enemy would be his only way out this time…. [img]/http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/10/20/1413807112416_wps_24_Bat_signal3_PNG.jpg[/img]