[h1][color=greenyellow]Tyler[/color] & [color=sienna]Ursula[/color][/h1] [hr] [@Stairdweller] Tyler found himself staring a bit too hard at the Nexus Projectors and REM Lounge from where he was. The remains of the burger gurgled in his belly as he looked over at the many other Zoners filtering in and out, to and fro. Like a tide of red, black and white, constantly ebbing and flowing. His ruminations broke when a young woman sat across from him and spoke without proem, asking him about his plans to enter a Zone today. He cocked an eyebrow, gruff voice grumbling, "Want to form a gang, huh? Numbers might help in the pipes, so I don't see the harm." He scratched at the significant stubble at his chin and nodded, "Yeah alright. Let's go now. No use in waiting on the sleep to find us, right." With a gravelly chuckle, he made his way over to a service drone and rapped a knuckle on its back. [color=greenyellow]"Hey, 'scuse me tincan. How do I get to this 'Zone'?"[/color] The drone turned and scanned him, judging by its sweeping head movement. It took a moment before it turned again and began walking, mechanical voicebox emitting, [color=slateblue]"I will escort you to the Nexus Projector. Please follow me."[/color] It was a short trip, but soon Tyler found himself slowly drifting into a sound sleep as he lay upon a metal death-trap of a chair. Before his eyes closed he saw the girl from earlier entering the area behind him. He guessed they'd meet up within, and with that he fell out of his body and back in. And then he fell down, hard. It took a while for him to find his bearings and actually move from the freaky pyramid room into the Zone itself, but as soon as that stagnant air and metallic scent hit him, he felt at ease. His form was different from what he was used to, as he looked down at his hands and found boil-ridden, malformed digits taking theplace of his normal limbs. His steps felt sluggish, and now and then he shrieked as he moved. He felt like pus-bubble with the bottom half of a metal goat, as he felt fluid sloshing back and forth upon his arms and chest. He pulled up the hood of his ragged clothing and looked around. Walking in anything but a hunch was uncomfortable, and as he loped around he saw that he was in a room full of powerless machinery, exiting into a large hallway. Forward and onward he moved through the hallway in a half-limp, half-hop. The hallway abruptly ended and came to a catwalk suspended over what seemed to be an unending darkness below. There was next to no light upon the catwalks, but in the shadow he could see a silhouette. He drew back, best to stay out of sight. As it stumbled forward, he knew it had seen him. He knew an Abomination when he saw one and he would have had a fight on his hands with this one. Had it not been suddenly bathed in light. Tyler's eyes trailed down to the source of the searchlight and found that below the catwalks was a single tendril supporting a light. The Abomination looked down, and then back up at him as the beam of light narrowed and became more focused. The thing reeled in pain before it burst into flames and detonated, like a soup can in a microwave. The searchlight continued on, roving past Tyler's form hidden in the doorway. He could see in the distance that additional searchlights were now beginning to flicker and sweep up from the inky blackness of the abyss below. [color=greenyellow]"Maybe I should wait for backup..."[/color] He said quietly, voice sounding like a gurgling, dying iron lung. [hr] [@SepticGentleman] [color=sienna]"So what is this place supposed to be?"[/color] Ursula said as she wandered into the Foreman's workshop, retracing her steps from she entered the world when she 'woke up' the newly opened workshop, her curiosity getting the better of her. Blueprints and broadsheets and tools, oh my. She traced a finger over a rather intricate drawing of what looked to be a raygun, small motes of dust swirling around her form from the shop floor. She looks more official and serious that before. Gone are the flowing strips of cloth from before, replaced by trappings of shiny grey leather and soft brown. Her skin looks crazy smooth and is almost like the color of gold, with hair that falls to her waist in a waterfall of molten silver. What a weird lookin' dame. Weirdest of all, two growths of rock seem to just jut from her shoulderblades like miniature cliffs upon her back. Out the corner of her eye, she spotted another Zoner leaning by the wall, and she paused. It took her a moment to manage a wave, as she was swiftly intercepted by a Denizen in peculiar garb. Waving his arms and jabbering at her before nudging her over to the side as he looked at the blueprints with a curious, almost pigeon-like movement of the head and neck. He returned to his work in short order. She could only shrug as she watched, utterly intrigued by all the blueprints and diagrams. The axe and the rifle, the sword and the drill. All so intricate and involved, all flying so far above her head in terms of construction and operation. Were these for an army? For the Denizens to fight back? She felt herself remembering the murals where she fought the Aggressors alongside Malcolm and Nora. Some sort of warring factions, trying to even the odds now that they have taken back this workshop? All questions she would need answers for. And only one person to go to. With a thought, she attempted to contact Elias. [color=sienna]"Hey, uh, Mr. Elias sir... that big picture we saw before, when we interrupted the fireflies little initiation slash dinner. What was that all about and how do I get back there from here?"[/color]