[b]Name:[/b] Kalib Xeer (pronounced like Caleb) [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Kalib][img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/319/5/c/kalib_ref_by_piscean_cat_14-d86j7jp.png[/img][/hider] Kalib is 6 feet tall even. Being lean, fairly built and well-toned for running. He's relatively strong and can hold his own in a fight. Even though his eyes are green in the picture, they actually shift colors on occasion (usually between different blues and greens). His hair is ashy brown and styled almost like a pompadour, though it often gets messed up and is poorly taken care of. Though mostly unnoticeable, he has scars on his right forearm and under his left arm from when he was turned. [b]Human, werewolf, or hunter?:[/b] werewolf [b]If werewolf: Alpha, beta, or omega?[/b] omega [b]Background:[/b] Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Kalib had a pretty easy-going life. He wasn't very good in his subject in school and was bullied pretty often by some guys on the school's football team. When he realized he couldn't fight off his aggressors, he oped to learn how to outrun them by joining track. As the years went on, he got really good at track and became the captain of the cross country team. Things got pretty complicated in high school when he started learn about himself and, well, there were certain things he couldn't tell his very conservative parents. Near the end of senior year, Kalib decided to come out to his parents and things didn't go as he planned. He figured that since he was going to be leaving home anyway that it wouldn't have mattered if they knew but. . . . In the end he was kicked out. He took his car and decided to drive to his friends' house a town away but he ran out of gas and had to walk to find help. While on his walk he was attacked by a rogue werewolf and wasn't able to escape. After all that Kalib couldn't go back to his family and friends, instead leaving California for some time to understand what happened and learn about the werewolf communities. While he was gone, his parents and friends put out a search for him, only to find his car and a lot of blood in the woods nearby. The police concluded it was an animal attack and Kalib is presumed dead by his loved ones. The first year was the toughest, as he didn't know the ropes of Werewolf society and was pretty afraid every time the full moon came around. But eventually he got a grasp of things and embraces his werewolf side, becoming confident again and almost back to how he was before the turn. Now, after 3 years of being away, Kalib has come back to his home state. He's recently joined the Were community in Greyville and is excited to be starting a new life.