[hider=Dimitri Kozlov] [center][img]http://static.socialitelife.com/uploads/2011/09/kellan-lutz-gq-australia-09012011-02.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Dimitri Kozlov [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Appearance:[/b] Dimitri is a tall, muscular young man, his physique stream-lined and chiseled from years upon years of arduous training and physical exercise. His face is considered 'handsome', with a clearly defined jawline, and strong cheekbones. A minor scuffle could be seen dusting his face, a natural dirty blonde, the exact same as his hair - which is naturally cut short to his head, to avoid anyone gripping it in a fight. His eyes, however, are a dark blue, almost appearing black in different pieces of sunlight. Multiple long, pale scars on evident on his torso and back, with the most prominent one being the three deep, jagged marks scraping across his chest and down his abs. Generally wears a thick, form-fitting, dark-colored long-sleeved shirt, rugged jeans, and combat boots, along with a leather jacket thrown over it, sewn in with Kevlar. Can never be too careful, and he's pretty used to cold and hot temps. [b]Species/Occupation:[/b] Human/Hunter [b]Background:[/b] Dimitri was born in Moscow, Russia, underneath two war-weathered parents; Aleksandr Kozlov, and Marie Kozlov. His father was a veteran from the Spetznaz forces, while his mother was a former soldier in the Marines, having been honorably discharged after a grenade ended with her left arm being torn to shreds. How the two managed to find love in each other, Dimitri would never know; while his father was strict, gruff, cold, and incredibly ruthless in the training of Dimitri, his mother was soft, kind, and gentle, always there with warm treats and cold bottles of water. That's another thing...his training. Aleksandr Kozlov was both a Spetznaz veteran, and a former Werewolf-Hunter, having to retire from both due to old age, and PTSD. While this made the man quite brutal, it also made him force Dimitri to follow into his footsteps - and not for a bad reason, either. Werewolves - specifically, feral ones - were dangerous, this Dimitri knew from a young age. At first, up to the age of seven, he didn't know what he was training for. His father always made him do pushups, squats, and sprints down the snow-frozen road whenever he was awake and not eating/hydrating, always stopping and limiting the repetitions so that it was just under enough to not have any effect on Dimitri's physical growth. Weapons training and close quarters combat had already began, back when he was six. Pistols, assault rifles, shotguns...he was a crackshot, naturally skilled in any firearm that was brought before him. Obviously, he was kept to smaller, less destructive weaponry, as his relatively small stature - albeit big for his age - would make it incredibly difficult and inefficient to train with. Krav Maga; it's basic stances and attacks were taught to him as his 'main' chosen fighting style, although it was more along the lines of his father forcing it upon him. When he turned eight, he was brought on his first 'mock mission', which wasn't a mock mission at all. His father had tracked down a wandering, feral werewolf that preyed on cattle and smaller children that would wander away from their parents, in the park. Seeing his father rip open the werewolf's chest, and give him the silver knife...Dimitri was confused. Sorely confused. But when he saw the corpses of the children, he plunged the dagger down without hesitation. That was the start. Years passed, and Dimitri was trained with the brutality of a Demon from hell. He became an immensely capable marksman, a master of Krav Maga, and extremely competent and lethal when it came to the art of fighting with melee weapons - he began taking Werewolf Hunting missions at the age of twelve, going for the Werewolves that was blatantly harming others due to lack of mental awareness, or general insanity and love for violence. Life continued on like this, with Dimitri becoming a strong, intelligent, brave young man that did what he had to do in his forced line of work. His mother had passed away due to an illness - something that affected Dimitri greatly, and seemed to inspire his father's fiery ire even more. Finally, the man keeled over from a stress-filled cardiac arrest, on Dimitri's twentieth birthday. Ever since then, Dimitri has been travelling the globe, always on the case whenever reports of wild werewolf attacks sprung up, or whenever mysterious sightings or murders breezed the grapevine. [b]Relationships:[/b] Thomas Young...Dimitri's partner. They met in Alaska, while Dimitri was hunting a group of feral Werewolves. It was an...interesting predicament, with Thomas managing to stop Dimitri from executing an innocent female Werewolf that had been planning on escaping her wild, out of controlled friends. Yvette was picked up, as his second partner, as they were leaving the frozen state. It snowballed from there.[/hider]