[centre][b]~Anton~[/b][/centre] Anton, piercing Ryan with a stony glare, yelled (clearly already drunk), "In your opinion!" She wrenched her vodka from his hands, pouring in three Fireside Flamers and the vodka in at once. She gave a high-pitch laugh, and glugged down the rest of her drinks. Licking her lips - and wiggling her eyebrows at Ryan - she ordered their strongest Vodka. But why bother? It was like the weakest thing Anton had ever had. That's why she ordered so much. She slunk out of sight from Carlson, wishing she had done this while drinking the Vodka from Ryan. As she downed the rest of the super weak Vodka, she slunk away to the girl's toilets. As Anton made her way into the toilet, she puked straight away. Bawling her eyes out, she poured the remains of the alcohol down the toilet u-bend - unluckily forgetting to flush.