[b]Name:[/b] Rylus [b]Class:[/b] Wyvern rider [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Emerald green hair, slightly unkempt, and a couple inches long. Dark eyes, hawkish face, and short in stature, with knees bent inward. Wears red armor and rides a red wyvern. There's a large metal "handle" on the back and front of his armor, which his wyvern uses to pick him up and move him. [b]Equipment:[/b] Bronze axe and vulnerary [b]Personality:[/b] Having been a cripple all his life, he's used to being treated like a child. That doesn't mean he likes it. He has somewhat of a big mouth and tends to speak in a taunting manner. When he's riding his wyvern, the spectrum is inverted. He tends to speak down to others and act in a very regal manner. Though he might talk down on some, he never brings up faults that others might have from birth. [b]Biography:[/b] Rylus was born a cripple, his legs horribly misshapen, making it extremely difficult for him to walk. Fortunately for him, he grew up in Wyvern Valley, in a village that lived in harmony with wyverns. His family distressed at his defect, they called on the help of the village elders, who took on a task that was previously unheard of: They trained a service wyvern. A wyvern to care for his every needs, to help him with the simple everyday tasks that he would otherwise be unable to do. Nekkar was his name. A young wyvern with a hide of crimson. It was a complete success. Rylus and Nekkar bonded and became inseperable. Rylus could ride Nekkar as well as anyone else in the village. Everyone was happy. But one day, the church came to the village, upset that the elders refused to provide the church with wyverns. They brought a large army, and invaded wyvern nests, taking eggs and capturing young wyverns, killing those that they couldn't manage. The village, normally a peaceful place, had nobody trained in the arts of war. Those that fought back were slain, while others fled. Rylus was of the latter. When he returned to his village, he saw to his horror that everything was in shambles. Huts burned, bodies laying everywhere, both man and wyvern, and few survivors. Vowing for vengeance, he sought out a merchant, sold what little valuables he still had, purchased his own axe and armor, and set out to avenge his homeland.