Anime Planet once (I don't know if they still do) have a system whereby you'd record what series you'd watched, how many episodes and also put some on your 'to watch list'. I bring this up because it would approximate the time you had spent watching anime. About four years ago mine was at two months, who knows what it's like now! (It didn't take into account re-watches either). My favourites are: Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan - This series is just a bit over the top everywhere, and knows it, and that is why I adore it. Bleach - my favourite long-term Shounen. Even some of the filler arcs weren't too bad. Naruto - when it's not being filler-tastic it falls in next to Bleach. FullMetal Alchemist (both the original and Brotherhood) - both have their virtues but Brotherhood has a more consistent storyline, I feel. Also more Mustang. CardCaptor Sakura - CardCaptors was part of my childhood. The original Japanese series is so much better it's almost an entirely different series. Angel Beats - you will both laugh and cry yourself to death. Sword Art Online and Log Horizon - I prefer Sword Art Online but Log Horizon has the makings of a longer term series which has its benefits. Fate/Stay anything - the remake by ufotable is gorgeous but I still have a fondness for the original, older series. Pandora Hearts - I think I join any who saw this with: WANT MORE! To aru Majutsu no Index/kagaku no Railgun - I do enjoy these both for very different reasons. Any many others. I got into anime by watching CardCaptor Sakura, The Vision of Escaflowne, Naruto (when it was first airing - that's ten years ago now I believe folks) and FullMetal Alchemist.