Where other members of the pack left their respective home or flat, giving their families the good-bye-smooch or some such nonsense, Jesse kicked her door close, leaving nothing behind but a messy, lifeless apartment. Reeking of copulation and the feral smell one would know from animal cages at the zoo. But ultimately, it was devoid of life today. It was rather usual for the fine lady Williams to kick temporary lovers out of her lair without mercy for their bodily well-being nor the accepted noise level of the block, though not today. She left on her own, in what one would call 'good' mood, wearing nothing less than brass knuckles on her right hand like shiny, sparkly jewelry. She passed a few others on the path down the stairway, gracefully ignoring their presence, uncaring wether or not they looked at her with hostility (that would be other wolves) or awe (as did the few human inhabitants of the building). She made her way out on the streets, bouncing rather than walking. It was the night before [i]the[/i] night, and though the bar would be crowded with canines, it was a promising night for lovers of a good scuffle. About twenty minutes later, Jesse arrived at the bar. The acute observer would notice a time loss of about ten minutes, walking the distance from her apartment to the establishment, however. A fresh bundle of bank notes in her pocket as well as a few splatters of blood adorning her knuckle dusters and right arm implied the cause of her delay. Being without a steady income, the woman had to 'make' some money every now and then, and the unlucky victim of tonight was a semi-professional dealer trying to make some quick cash on her route to the pub. What the poor guy forgot to consider when picking a police-free neighbourhood was the better-than-average sense of smell a handful of people around here had, something that came incredibly handy when looking for a quick 'money dispenser'. After a quick 'chat' with the gentleman that thoroughly convinced him to avoid this area of Greyville in the future, Jesse arrived at the bar, quickly letting her blood-covered weapon disappear in the pockets of her sleeveless hoodie. She cared enough to superficially wipe the clearly visible blood on her arm away, leaving some less noticeable but still hardly secreted smears. Upon entering with an utterly amused expression - the evening started fairly entertaining after all - she sought a place at the counter, avoiding the general 'pack corner'. For her it was more fun to converse with the clueless human customers anyway, and that lessened the chances for a brawl with the other wolves too. Not that she was eager to avoid such a thing, but pretending to always looked better in the eyes of the alphas. Her choice of a seat was strategically closer to Avery than to Ryan. Unsurprisingly, she addressed the human when issuing her first order of the night. [i] "Hey sweety, how about you pour me some vodka? Make it the good 'ol cheap stuff, alright?"[/i] Jesse wasn't the kind to ask for expensive stuff. Heck, she hardly ever had enough money on her to pay the tab after a night of drinking cheap shit. Living at the low end of low makes you numb enough to not care, though.