Pounding the door until he heard the toilet flush was a good way to persuade Anton to actually flush her sick down. A single stall ladies room was within state regulations for a place this size, but only just. So when Anton opened up for Ryan, he was swinging so fast that he fell forward, spinning on his heel just in time to catch himself before clipping his face on the porcelain sink. "Christ Anton, you blew through that stuff, puke it down, then want more? If you weren't... well, [i][i]you[/i][/i], then I'd say you're looking at killing your liver." Ryan knew for a fact, however, that there was no more of the 'Jet Fuel' behind the bar to be had. He'd have to go to the cooler for more. "Avery? Can you take over for me while I get more J-F for Anton? Thanks lovely!"