Jack let go of her hand and continued the search, throwing clothes behind him as he plundered the dresser. He sneezed fire as the dust messed with his lungs. He finished looking through the dresser and looked under the bed. All he found under the bed was more dust, which was followed by a sneeze. Unfortunately the bed caught fire from it and Jack patted the spot, not bothered by the flames. The flames went out, and he went to the bathroom once again finding nothing but appliances. His hand a little smokey from the flames, he did a quick look again to try and find something. He took in a whiff through his nose, and did not smell anything out of the ordinary. Jack looked back at Jade "You know we should check out the library. Your interested in books, and can gain some knowledge, possibly history on this place, or who owns it." He suggested. He whipped his wings, the dust flying backwards toward the bed. "Don't worry the cleaning ladies will get it...whenever they get here" He said, walking up to Jade.