Hey so I'm probably going to start typing a new post some time later in the day, but I'll be busy for a few hours so I can't start until then. Meanwhile I have a query or two about the IC, that hopefully someone will be able to answer. So far to my understanding from what I've managed to read of the IC posts is that there are two groups and I'd like to be corrected if this is wrong but they include: Group one (Graveyard?): Rook, John Cleaver, Important, and soon Ashgans character Group two (No idea where they are): Jester, Sarah Downwell, Maldron, and the NPC Turncloak Is everyone else wandering on their own right now? My other question is: do we individually work to find other characters or does NewSun control who finds who's footprints? The only reason I'm confused about this is because there doesn't seem to be set geography and I'm left wondering if the land possibly distorts it's borders. Sorry for needing the clarification but between the collab posts and the fact that I'm not sure who's active I'm a little lost :P