[center][b][color=00aeef]Fayth Morrow[/color][/b][/center] When Jesse sat close to Fayth, only for a brief moment did Fayth drop the bubbly ditz appearance. On purpose. Not only to test Jesse and push her. But now that she knew Mori was here, it became more fun because she knew her ability to shift personalities so effortlessly could potentially put Morgana on even more edge. Fayth's cool, blue-eyed gaze wandered Jesse's body up and down. She caught the faint traces of drying blood on her. Not only that, she could smell it. And this close on the full moon, the faintest scent of blood sent a shiver shuddering down her spine. [i]'You're in control...'[/i] Fay would tell herself in her mind. Breathing deep. [i]The beast is not you.[/i] As if trying to prevent a darker part of her self from coming out. Instead, Fay leaned over to Jesse and laid a gentle hand on her arm. With just a subtle whisper, she spoke. "Picking on people you think are weaker than you, again?" Fay gave her a smirk and a wink. Making sure to poke fun at her. Remembering the moment Jesse ganged up on her with another beta, and Fay aptly put her back in her place. Jesse had no tactical skill as a fighter. No proper training from Fay's eyes. Perhaps Jesse was lucky that way. Then Fay returned to the direction of the voice of Mori. Another woman who didn't seem to appreciate Fay's presence in the pack. What did she even do? Alright, maybe it was curious that Fayth had great skill as a fighter. Maybe it was strange that she could switch her personality at the drop of the hat. And as Mori pointed out, Fay definitely could disappear for some stretches. Though if Mori knew why, she might be thanking her rather than berating her for it. Fayth sighed out. Not here for a fight, the blonde just wanted a drink and to settle down. Find a bit of fun, even. "Mori, why would I like ever miss this totally fun time here? Can't you look around? There's sooo many attractive guys here to hit on. It's time to get my drank on, ya' know?" Fay really laid her valley girl speak on thick for Morgana. When Avery had returned with her drink, Fay beamed over to Mori. "Can you hold on a minute, babe? I got some 'important' things to talk about." Turning to look at Avery. "Thanks girl! You're the best. I don't know what I'd do without you. And I know it's my day off! This is such a small town with not much to do. So, what better than getting tipsy tonight am I right? Like, obviously. And look at how many hot guys are here. Mr. Muscles over there who just ordered a water. He looks promising," Fayth looked directly over at Dmitri and winked. "Hey boy!" She giggled and continued talking at one hundred miles per hour. "And then you've got…" Fay stopped for a moment. She could smell the blood all over someone. Strong and pungent. Reeking all over the bar to her. Fayth turned to see Thomas bleeding profusely from his arm. "Ewww. Gross. Shouldn't someone like, help him out or something?"