[quote=@MyCatGinger]...so if you lot are alright with perhaps one post a day, or a post in two days from me and not multiple where possible, I would truly appreciate it.[/quote] If you can get online most days even to check in, that's fine by me. It is in advanced section, and we were never particularly fast last time round. If you can make sure you keep in touch, that's the most important thing. [quote=@MyCatGinger]...which means it'll still be a while for my CS. Creating a realistic chara takes work. Till when do I have before the axe comes down, Jiggy?[/quote] I'd really really really really like to have all the characters in this weekend if you can manage it. If you need to send me a prototype and flesh them out later, I'll accommodate. You're part of this RP and made it possible: basically, if you want in, I'll do my best to make sure you can. And, as you quite rightly point out.. [quote=@MyCatGinger]...and jig can kill my character off if worst comes to worst.[/quote]