[b]Stephen Whelan[/b] Stephen continued to sit in the dark corner, watching as people came in. A waitress with dark hair came over, and asked if he wanted anything. "No, thank you," he replied. He knew that Michael, a werewolf who worked at The Backhouse, would pour him his regular, a PBR. He continued to sit, breathing the air in, as people go up. After a while, a woman came in, and then a few minutes later a man came in, dark and tall. He focused in on him, and he could hear him speaking, with a Russian accent. Stephen decided that he would continue to listen in. [hr] [b]James Matherson[/b] James was in home, in his small house in Greyville. He knew that there was a pack here, he just wasn't sure who was a werewolf. He was in his basement, preparing for the full moon tomorrow night. He had to be ready to kill on sight. [i]Perhaps I could prepare with some others[/i], he thought, and sent out a text to all of the hunters in Greyville: [i]Hey, it's a full moon tomorrow, anyone wanna do some planning? -James[/i]