Name: Shiromi Kurosawa, 'Shiro' in short. Appearance Description: Shiro stands at 5'3" with an average build, messy white hair and dark, nearly black eyes that tend to be half-closed with her face sporting a blank stare. In school she usually wears a black vest or jacket over a white blouse along with a long skirt in the same dark colour that goes just over her knees. Age: 17 Year: 3 Reason For Joining: She didn't want it as much as she was dragged into it by her friend. Granted, she could sleep through pretty much anything, but even for someone like her there was only so much whining one could take. 'Shirooo, just come along already! I don't wanna go by myself! Come on, it'll be fuuun!' In the hopes that she might finally get some calm if she just came along once, and for the sake of her arm which suffered entirely too much tugging in the past weeks, Shiro eventually relented. It's not like she minded 'mystery solving' in particular, and it was certainly less stressful than being pushed into a sports club... Personality: Quiet and aloof to the point of being completely apathetic. If it wasn't for her friends making her do it, she would likely be too lazy to meet with anyone at all - in her first two years she got away without joining a club, but she got dragged into the mystery solving club for her third one. She thinks a lot and contemplates even seemingly mundane things for a long time, and gets annoyed when people make rash decisions or become loud and irritating - Shiro finds it hard to empathise with their enthusiasm. Despite all that, she is fond of her friends. Skills: Shiro is, despite her sluggishness, very intelligent and especially great at tactical and logical thinking, and can come up with a plan no matter the situation. Very perceptive, especially concerning smaller details others might miss - whether those details imclude small changes in the environment, things that are just slightly off or even small mood changes and little 'tells' in others that could, for example, give away a lie or when someone is uncomfortable talking about something. She is also oddly good at lying herself, something she picked up to get out of obligations more easily. Biography: Shiro grew up in a small mansion in the mountains that belonged to her parents, a considerable distance away from any major city - as such it was only natural that she didn't form many bonds with other children her age and grew up every bit as quiet as she is today. In fact, as far as anyone can remember, she has always been the same way; when classmates wanted to go for a run around the hills or for a swim in the river Shiro was the one who either didn't come at all, sat on the sidelines, or asked for a break every five minutes. When they went for a trip to the city, whether by car or train, she was dozing off a few seconds in, and when she was told to play with the dog she let him run around the garden while she slept on the porch. Even in class, she's usually found leaning all the way back in her chair or resting her head on her palm, one hand over an eye, just barely awake - though her grades are still good, which seems like a miracle to anyone who meets her. Her pondering comes with positive sides too - she often notices small things others miss as her mind lingers on the tiniest details. Relationships: ~for later~ Other: ~for later~