Henry looked out into the gentle ocean, an ironic display skidding against what he had past seen last night. Looking back to his rope he tightened it as much as possible, unfortunately that wasn't saying much. All night he had been doing this. He was given the task to keep it from going flaccid and he preformed his task with no noise more then a grunt here and there. Again he looked over to the ominous sirulian blue deep before them. It was.... strange. Henry had been inland all his life, so the ocean was such a new thing to him, and he had learned to hate it. Not knowing how to swim and being stuck with nothing more than salted pigs, something he refused to eat, and bread as his previsions, Henry was about done with the sea that trapped him. Luckily his timing couldn't have been better. [color=green]"REST TIMES OVER....NO TIME FOR SLEEPING, LAND HO!"[/color] shouted the nostalgic and salty voice of his captain. Looking behind him, the familiar and majestic look of land was apparent to him now, and relief swept over the young hand. Henry, eating no more than bread and an occasional apple a day, was sure he would waste away by the time they made it. But here he was, all in one piece in the end. Whipping the cool sweat from his brow, henry allowed himself to give a small, yet sincere smile. After all these years, he'd be a real man, someone free from the injustice of prejudice and anger unassisted by any action. No longer would he be beaten for a job done in a mediocre fashion, or be forced into regal pay cuts do to his lack of speaking. Now he was free to be himself, He could be Henry, not some farm hand. Moving from his post to allow the other people to take there shift from him, Henry looked out from the edge of the boat to see the new land mas, the tepid heat of land crossing him and warming his heart. "this, this is home" He muttered to himself.