"Hey, you're okay." Levi said reassuringly as he sat down beside the girl on the bed. "It's loud but that was just someone talking on the speaker system. It's nothing to be afraid of." He was a bit surprised at how badly she reacted as if she never heard a speaker before but didn't put too much thought into it as he just assumed that she must have just been overwhelmed after all she went through. This concerned him on how she would act once they were in the auditorium with all sorts of sensory stimulus reaching her. He wanted to keep her here until she had a chance to recover a bit more but knew that wuen the announcement said all students, it included her. "I'll be right back, okay." Levi said giving the girl a light squeeze on her shoulder before leaving and returning with a wheelchair. With the condition she was in, walking seemed like a terrible idea. Putting the wheelchair besides the bed and locking the wheels, Levi turned his attention towards the girl. "I'm going to move you over, okay." With the girl so tiny, putting her into the wheelchair was easy and once she was settled, grabbed the muffin he had earlier and placed it on her lap. "I bet you're hungry. Go ahead, you can eat it while I take you down there." Luckily by the time they enter the hallways, most of the students were already there or nearly there so there wasn't too many students. Finding a spot in the last row, Levi moved the wheelchair besides the last seat and sat down besides the girl just as the speaker started. [center]~.~[/center] "Do you think we lost them?" Mia said stopping after she turned down a hallway that was less used. However there was no answer. "Rebound?" Mia said, slightly panicked about the silence. Turning around she saw that he wasn't there and as an announcement of some sort went off summoning everyone to the auditorium she had a feeling finding him would be challenging, if not impossible as she watched the hallways become packed. She was alone again. Following the students to where she assumed where the auditorium was, Mia tried to see if she could find a familiar face but none was to be found from what she could remember. Finding an empty seat, Mia sat down as she watched more students enter in the auditorium. Luckily with her already in the general area, she entered before things were even halfway full so finding a seat wasn't too difficult. Waiting a few minutes wasn't a problem for her as she observed the different types of students enter, some of their powers physically obvious. As the room became filled, she watched as someone start to talk. Although she guessed she probably heard this information before if she was able to retrieve her memory, but to her all of this information was new to her. However the more the man spoke, the more questions she had.