[center] [img]http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a581/Savi_Davis/Anime/163876BB-1532-48F1-957C-8EC3373A6842_zpsl0bpuvtl.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=blue]Mary Miller[/color][/h1] Female, Fable, sells fruit in the farmer's market [h2][color=blue]Personality[/color][/h2] Mary Miller is a strong woman who is determined and stubborn. She tends to stray away from the other women in town because she finds a few of them arrogant and man-obsessed. Mary can be a bit sarcastic and snarky, but this hides her fear and paranoia. She has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, so she does flip out every once in a while. Mary may be secretive and snappy, but she can be very sensitive and vulnerable. Her fear of men can make her very vulnerable. She cannot stand being in one place for too long and she tends to stray away from crowded areas, but she cannot be alone without paranoia coming over her. [h2][color=blue]Fable[/color][/h2] Mary was the last wife of the infamous Bluebeard. After he killed her sister and she pushed him out of the tower's window, she became a very rich woman. She wanted to be anywhere but in the same home her sister was killed in. She hated being rich, her mindset changing after the death of her sister by the very man that gave her her riches. She wanted to go back to her old life, the one where her beautiful sister was alive and her first husband would be from love, not from fear and power. What Mary hadn't expected was the Adversary taking control. She paid no mind to them until they attacked her head on. She struggled and fought to stay, but she knew she would have to leave. They allowed her her riches because it did not match the changes they were going to make, but Mary hadn't wanted them. She left the Homelands as a rich woman still, but when the Fable Compact came into play, she thought she'd get a break. She was once again incorrect because she again kept her riches. No one wanted a murderer's coinage. She decided to keep it and to just act as if she did not have it, opening a fruit stand in a farmer's market and living her life, no longer living the life of a trapped woman stuck in her past. [h2][color=blue]Abilities[/color][/h2] Mary has the ability of seduction, but not in a sexual sense. She can lure anyone into doing as she pleases. That was how she got her "husband" to fall out of the tower. She is able to manipulate anyone she wishes, but she does not use her ability ever, which makes it particularly weak unless she finds herself in danger. [h2][color=blue]Other[/color][/h2] She lives in a two bedroom house, hiding her riches in a room that is locked from anyone but herself, seeing as she had the key and hid it particularly well and she never tells anyone about it. She lived as a sadly trapped woman [color=red][i]Once Upon A Time[/i][/color].[/center]