[Center] Name: Mark O'jeneus Alias: Screw Gender: Male Age: 23 Parents: Mikron O'jeneus(Gizmo) Mother is unknown. Powers: Advanced Technological Prowess Like his father Mark is very handy with technology. He's skilled in building weapons and armor for special occasions like armor made of kryptonite or a suit similar to Iron man or Dr.Octapus. With this ability he is able to build things at a faster pace. Mark also has a photo graphic memory. Bio: Not much is known about Mark. His father on the other hand was known for his grudge with the Titans and being a genius when it came to technology. Appearance: [Img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_li6b9wltZR1qggsavo1_1280.jpg[/img] Mark is 5'11" and has blue eyes. He wears goggles.The goggles are similar to a scouter. They update Mark with information about what ever he looks at. He's a nice and very helpful guy. Although like his father he has a habit of saying a corny joke now and then. I'm sure its obvious but he loves technology.[/center]