Jasper had just finished gutting the last of the fish he had caught the day before,all 4 of them. "Still," he thought tossing the fist-full of guts to his cat Monty "I've never seen these colors somewhere, they should taste wonderful fried in butter and salt." He mused to the old dream sickle cat. Rubbing the old feline's ears he continued "Still we've got a lot of work to do, lots of tastes to discover!" He added jovial. "Still," He said much more solemn, "I hope we find it in time. A flavor so great so satisfying, that it is bound to bring the joy back into our master's life!" Jasper reminisced remembering how the emperor had grown more and more upset as his people starved, and he no longer took an interest in food. He no longer needed me, was often on the chefs mind. "Land Ho!" Was the call from above deck. " No time for dark thoughts Monty!" He yelled awakening his slumbering cat. " We have a mission!" he said running up deck, to see the new world.