[@Jasonhero] Hey dude, that looks great, but can you move it to the char tab? Also, it needs to be one of the character roles listed in the cast OR you need to PM me about it. His function needs to be expanded on: he needs a specific job for the group, not just what he's good at. He's also a [i]little[/i] too overpowered, could you cap those abilities? I just need to hear their limitations, and maybe some weaknesses because he [i]is[/i] so powerful. The standard white is fine, it's just that nobody else can use it. He wouldn't be as strong as you made him, as far as physical strength goes, though he might be invulnerable. The wings are fine, could probably be explained as his natural form, but he wouldn't have control over the dead, telekinesis, OR shadow travel. You might want to edit him later when I create the NPC descriptions for Diablo, because you don't want him to be more powerful than his full-demon father, and at the moment, he is. When you're done, edit the post in the OOC, because I don't want character applications in here. Thank you! [hr] Hey guys, I probably should've made it more obvious, but I edited everything that had been in the interest check. PLEASE read over the rules and other information again--important stuff on there--and tell me if something's up before breaking them. I understand that if you're using mobile like Jasonhero, it might be difficult to comply to everything, but I need to be informed of that. Also, because demons seem to be popular with the group I've got so far, I want to explain a thing about them and mention a few other things that I probably forgot. One, [i]these[/i] demons are not as powerful as you might think. For the most part, their abilities are contained to what they can shape-shift. High demons like Diablo might be able to bend the world around them somewhat, create portals, other things like that, but because they're not from this dimension they don't have a lot of influence over it. Lower demons--and that's what you guys would be playing, are usually just shapeshifters and minor conjurers. Two, always list your weaknesses if you're giving a character powers. A good guide is that if it can defeat Daisy on its own, it's too powerful for you to play. Three, if I get more than three demons or any other species, I'm going to make them unplayable for other characters. Four, make sure your character's psychology is well developed. Make them dynamic as possible and focus more on [i]who[/i] they are than [i]what[/i] they are/can do.