I followed R'lyeh through the forest, rarely running into the same areas and nodding as he started talking about the sea snakes, and the differences between the two, which eventually led to some sort of discussion about terrestrial creatures, and any possible regional differences between them. I actually listened, and added my own thoughts, explaining "Actually, us Kobolds exhibit a similar quality. Our scale color was, at least at one point, tied in with where we lived. Ya see, the kobolds with black or grey scales had their settlements close to human cities, whereas the sandy-colored, or red-scaled kobolds lived in the desert off to the west of the bulk of the human cities in this area, the blue and turquoise-scaled kobolds, like myself, usually lived near piers, oceans, lakes, or other large, clean bodies of water, with green and brown-scaled kobolds living in forests like this one, pale green and bright yellow-scaled kobolds, who are actually poisonous, lived in the various swamps and marshlands dotting this part of the continent, oh, and the white and pink-scaled kobolds, whose eyes seem to be adapted for darkness, or night, lived, or possibly still live in, caves. Uh, us kobolds typically don't speak of the white or pink-scaled ones, heh," that huge chunk of speech got us right to a clearing with a stinking, rotting corpse of a sahagin. I tried and failed to plug my nose to help tolerate the stench, and R'lyeh comments on this being one of his former colleagues. "Ugh, whoops, sorry if that was disrespectful. I'd bury him somewhere, but, well, I don't know if that might be, I dunno, seen as bad among you. What's the 'proper' way to treat a, um, dead sahagin? Either way, we have to get rid of the corpse, it'll attract wolves, and probably even worse," I explain to R'lyeh who didn't seem to be trying to get a camp ready. I finally ask "So, who's making the camp, anyways? If we're staying out here, we should probably have some sort of shelter, and fire to stave off the nightly cold," I'm sure the others knew, but I wasn't entirely sure R'lyeh, given that he comes from the ocean, would really know what a land-based camp would need to be suitable. That being said, neither did I, really, given that my parents always set up the few camps we had while we were traveling between villages.