A young, well dressed woman, was giving her first big news report and hoping it would be the impetus that brought her career to new heights. "I'm here with Police Commissioner Jones at the site of one of the largest attacks on a metahuman population of the last decade. The Academy of Heroes and Villains, the school established to teach superhuman children in the responsible use of their powers, was one of the main reasons a treaty was passed that ended the war the wracked the globe in 2025. Commissioner, what can you tell the viewers about the attack?" After clearing his throat, Commissioner Jones looks directly at the camera and replies, "While the Department doesn't want to cause any undue worry with pure speculation, a few things are rather clear. Based on the scale of destruction here, we're fairly certain the attack was either carried out by, or assisted by a group of metahumans. Aircraft are out of the question because they would have shown up on radar and we're certain that a bomb is off the table because the school had pretty advanced security systems in place that would have detected an explosive. Unfortunately, firefighters have already found several deceased and more remains are still being pulled out of the rubble. When emergency services arrived, no survivors were anywhere to be found so, as this time, we have to assume that there were no survivors. However, while we don't have any suspects at this time, we're doing everything in our power to find and catch those responsible. If there are any further questions, please direct them to our public relations representative, Mr. Garfield. Thank you" The commissioner walks off and join a group of officers in the distance. With an audible exhale, the news reporter says, "You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen, the Academy has been attacked by unknown metahumans. Stay tuned for further details as they emerge. This Jenna McCarthy with Channel 2 News." [b]Anthony Luthor[/b] While sitting at the immaculately organized desk in his office at the LexCorp headquarters, Anthony Luthor leans forward on the edge of his seat, listening intently to a breaking news report. The news anchor, reporting in at the Academy of Heroes and Villains, was in the midst of interviewing the chief of police. Behind the pair, where the main building of the Academy should be, was nothing but a smoking pile of rubble. As he listens to the report, Anthony sighs heavily and thinks, [i]I should have known something like this would happen eventually. I suppose the others will be finding their way back soon.[/i] [b]Johnathon Brock[/b] With a grunt, John pumps out one last rep before setting the bar bell down and sliding out from underneath it and wiping the sweat from his face. As he walks toward the tiny kitchen of his apartment, the ringtone on his phone stops him. after glancing at the text, he shoots back a quick reply, [i]"Stark, you know I don't have a TV. Just fill me in when the report's over, alright?"[/i] John drops the phone and grabs his bottle of water from the fridge before chugging it on the way to his bathroom. As he begins showering off, he can't help but wonder, [i]Is the Academy really gone? Who's strong enough to do something like that?[/i]