"Earth..." The dark, emotionless, yet young voice came from a man in his early twenties, staring out into the city from the large, high-classed flat that rested on a hill that overshadowed the city. The man had pale skin that seemed almost inhuman, along with dark, crimson eyes that held a powerful, subtle glow. His hair was still wet from a shower, the feathery naturally smoothing backwards down his neck. His face was young and handsome, undeniably so, and his jaws were cleanly shaven from any messy stubble. Due to the distance away from any peeping toms, the man simply wore a pair of jeans and sneakers, not bothering with a shirt due to the fact that he was just starting to get dressed for his business in town. This showed his physique - lean, with sinewy, hard, and compact muscles, lacking the thick bulkiness of bodybuilders...a build more for someone that practiced a sharp, concise exercising regiment. [b]"CAW!"[/b] The disembodied, demonic sounding 'caw' forced the young man to slowly turn his gaze ever so slightly upwards. A shadowy, large eagle, it's four glowing crimson eyes wide open, was flying towards him at a blurring pace, each bat of it's wings sending shadowy, demonic energy flitting through the clouds. In it's sharp beak was the bleeding carcass of a deer. "Not on the balcony." Daeara deadpanned, taking a step back as powerful shadow energy blasted from his back, taking the formation of a hand, which proceeded to wrap around the bird and deer - ignoring it's indignant squawk. Meanwhile, a soft, comfortable, dark brown futon formed on the balcony's floor. The shadowy arm and hand gently sat the shadow demon eagle and it's food down on the futon, while Daeara rested his hands in his pockets and stared down at it with crimson, emotionless eyes. "...." [b]"...."[/b] "...." [b]"...."[/b] "...Don't let anyone see you." With a sigh, Daeara walked back into his home, amongst the victory squawks of Noire - his familiar.