Helen found it difficult to balance both the boy and her bag, unable to drop without risking letting the other slip. Else she would've discarded the bag in a heart beat and merely focused on getting out of there. Thankfully Pierce was out cold thanks to the medicine fully kicking in. His body was limp and easily cradled in her arms, blond head bobbing gently in her elbow. Her boot slapped the concrete with her determination to get outside before the steam overwhelmed her sight, her form bouncing with each step and finally was the last to reach the door. Fresh air and the morning sunlight slammed into her eyes causing her squint. It was a struggle not to react to shield her sight when she edged quickly toward the plaza center, knowing if there was another attack then Adonai and Sira would react. As if summoned, the tabby's meows echoed in the air. His fluffy, plump figure emerged to dart across the cobblestone surface and toward their direction. He looked disgruntled at the fast set pace while he hastily skirted his four paws into over time to keep up, spotting them finally. Sensing Helen's distract, the spirit's thoughts were only about himself as his head nudged her leg and rubbed against her leg. Ignoring the feline, much to Sira's annoyance, the doctor already knelled down to lay the boy out. Her eyes flickered to his wound as she spotted the white surface slightly stained with red. Out of habit, she checked the pulse only to hear Ignis' voice pop into her mind causing her flinch in surprise. Helen frowned, more pissed at herself than Ignis, when she answered in a slightly less irritated mental tone. [i][color=Pink]I think you've earned it and I'll be sure to kick Nahor out for ya.[/color][/i] She felt more than saw Ignis arrive, her eyes lifted up in time to ear him speak. Helen could only nod and watched her spirit lower himself into the boy, his translucent image dissipated from sight. There had been a few times, the rare case, a case hadn't been exactly what it should've been. Especially on the battle field and she usually made sure Ignis double checked her work, even when she was calm. She accepted a long time she was only human but that didn't excuse sloppy work. Eli's shambling form erupted from the steam filled tavern, alongside several others retreating the chaos, causing her to pull upright. Pierce's sister was already sitting by his side looking sick and worried, tugging at Helen's heart deeply. Her hand reached out to gently rub the child's shoulder, speaking gently on hearing Ignis' diagnose over the wound. [i][color=Pink]Thank you Ignis, now would you keep an eye on the pair while I chew out Eli?[/color][/i] She didn't want for an answer or his comment, instead spoke gently to the girl to ease her worry. [color=Pink] “He'll be alright, dearie. Adonai, would you help watch the children?”[/color] Her boots calmly twisted about as she walked toward Eli, her bag and patient left behind for a moment. Fists clenched and steps steady, her boot clip-clopping against the hard surface until she was almost on top of him. She planted her hands on her hips, waiting for an answer while she stared the fight wrecked of a man down. [color=pink] “What the hell do you have to say for yourself, letting a child get a hold of your gun?!?” [/color]