An evening to breathe, an evening to rest, it's all she wanted. The room had only the dimmest of light and some of that came from the moon light spilling through the large windows. Lounging with a dog dozing at her side and with a book balanced on her thigh Kat was writing in some runic alphabet. The picture was serene, a distant world from the chaos that preceded her. That was until the phone on the side obnoxiously flashed and buzzed, the dogs head snapping up at the sudden interruption. She'd forgotten to turn the infernal thing off, of course. Quickly jotting down a few more notes and giving the dog a gentle stroke, she stood and picked up the phone planning to turn it straight off. However the alert gave her pause. [center]BREAKING NEWS: ACADEMY OF HEROES AND VILLAINS ATTACKED, ATTACKERS UNKNO...[/center] Her brow furrowed briefly and she went over to the TV. The harsh light filled the room and the dog jumped down from the sofa to slink away somewhere quieter. Switching to an international channel she was confronted with a sweeping shot of the smoldering remains of the Academy. [b]"Gods..."[/b] She stood and watched the breakdown of the carnage but it soon became clear that the only current certainties was death and destruction. This was a power move but who was sending it, and what were they trying to prove. It was not so much that she wanted to get involved but how could she not? She probably had some civic duty to ensure this was nothing Asgardian, that and she was more or less wired to thrive on dysfunction. So she was returning to the Academy, if situations were different she may have laughed. Turning off the television and taking a moment to give up the quiet night she longed for she went to prepare. Yes, she was returning but she wasn't wearing the guise any more. The role of the teen idle had grown dull long before she'd left, it was time for something a little more magical.