[b]Ryan Allen[/b] He always hated having to wake up so early. It was never easy to do and now he had to get to work at Stark Industries. He was currently fiddling with his tie and thinking about the past few years. He was married to the girl of his dreams and had a beautiful son. It was funny that this was all because of him saying hello. It was funny how things like that worked. He froze for a minute when he heard Phoebe call for him. That was never good. He quickly flash ran into the room and looked around for whoever was attacking. He heard her words when he saw the news. His phone buzzed but he did not look at it. "Oh my God..." He said quickly hugging Phoebe. He had no idea if his father was there but he knew Bruce would be there. He hugged both of them close. "What the... How? Okay we need to go there and see what happened. I can drop Daniel at Daycare before I take us there. " He said softly still holding them. "I doubt I am going to work today. "We are gonna get through this. We always do." He quickly texted Connor. [i]I am taking Phoebe to the site soon. I'll bring my kit to try and see if I can start figuring this out.[/i] He sent that mostly to calm himself down. Inside he was panicking but he was not going to show it ever. --- [b]Jack Parker[/b] Jack stumbled into the kitchen while his two sibling were just standing there. He was only wearing a pair of pajama pants. He was not even close to awake right now. He had spent most of the night patrolling the city. He as exhausted but atleast he had not been pestered by Midnight so that was nice. "I am right here, E. I heard." He said turning on his heel and walking back towards his room and pulling his suit on quickly. "I say we race. Ben already knows that he is gonna lose." He said trying to raise the mood a bit. A place important to all three of them was destroyed. He figured a joke would help a little bit. "You do know this means we are all that remains of the super teams. I mean all the big ones are gone from that. Who knows who else was there."