[h3]Estella[/h3] A race? The three of them had been thinking the same thing. Humor must be a defense mechanism in the family. A nuance picked up from her brother's memories and the past five years. They would get there either way. "[color=indianred][b]Alright, you're on. See you at the academy.[/b][/color]" After saying it she paused slightly before running off to her ship. The ship itself was always hidden out of sight. At least when not in use. Becoming somewhat of a mechanic she was the only one that really understood how it functioned. The headset allowed her the option to control it remotely for quite some distance. If the pilot was inside she could set it so others could fly it as well, affording it was plugged in. Training the boys on how to use it was tough. The thing was not designed for the human brain so the neurons were not in the same place. [hr] [h3]Five minutes prior to the attack[/h3] A normal day at the Academy. Students were out and about. Since sticking around Mimic and Kagerou would take turns teaching Power Development each month. This was her month so she had this last week. Having changed things up a bit she was having the students play a game of king of the hill. Not even five minutes in a deafening rumble came from above. Dust and small pieces of the ceiling above came down. Something big had hit the Academy and before the instructor could really move to go see what had happened a second crash landed and the room began to break up. No time to see what it was. Hands out and closing them back together everyone, including herself, in the training room was pushed to the center by telekinesis. IT probably was not the most pleasant experience suddenly being shoved but it saved their lives. As the rest of the building came down on them Kagerou erected a barrier around them. For what must have seemed like forever to thee students rubble fell down around them, visible through the transparent TK shield. In short order they were effectively buried alive. They only had so much air, so Kagerou tried to keep them all calm. She wasn't going to tell the students this, but she could sense lives being extinguished. "[color=plum][b]It's alright, we're safe. I'm not going to let anything happen to you.[/b][/color]" Another rumble rattles the earth and everything shifted around them. While she could hold it together there was nowhere to go until it ended. [h3]Present[/h3] Things had been quiet. They were too far underground to hear anything on the surface. But there didn't seem to be anyone out there that was attacking. The first order of business was getting some fresh air into the bubble they were in. Pointing up she shot a thin line of TK force through the debris above. A nearly imperceptible puff of air came out on the surface. A second one insured that they could continue breathing.