[IMG]http://data.whicdn.com/images/32320535/tumblr_m6ttet2dPN1rtqlemo1_500_large.png[/IMG] [B]Appearance Description:[/B] 181cm. 80kg. Words like "short" and "scrawny" wouldn't even begin to describe the Takeshi you see today, though in his childhood they seemed a lot more applicable. Now, an aura of comely maturity has definitely replaced all that. Standing at a stable 5'11, the adolescent growth spurt appears to have hit him quite hard. He's not muscular or fat, but not bone-thin either, maintaining a healthy weight, if leaning slightly towards the higher bracket, credited to his love of caramel and caramel-including-foods. His hair is a short (a little below the jawline) dark brown, near-black, and among the many tufts he has an inch-wide section deep within the mess of hair that's dyed a cobalt blue, which can be seen when he shakes his hair out. Contributing to his ever-so-slightly-punk image is a piercing on his right ear. Usually he wears black studs or little double-ended spike studs. His eyes are a bright yellow-amber colour, and can almost be described as puppy-like when he gazes upon something that captures his fancy. Otherwise, despite his features being not overly handsome but far from 'ugly', he's known by friends to be seen grinning a fair amount, as if he has the situation perpetually under control. He doesn't mind wearing the school's uniform and happily does so, dark blazer and trousers with the silver trim that give them the flair. His clothing outside of school consists of turtlenecks coupled with jackets in the winter, and a variety of flannel shirts in the summer and spring. He also switches between a delicate pair of spectacles in royal blue rims and contacts, though you're more likely to see him with the spectacles on. Some of his teeth on one side are a tiny bit chipped at the bottom from an incident that occurred when he was little, though it's barely noticeable. He also has the hints of dark circles. [B]Name:[/B] Takeshi Miyazaki [B]Age:[/B] 16, soon going on 17. [B]Year:[/B] 2 [B]Reason For Joining:[/B] Takeshi, having spent the majority of his life at Mayami, initially thought all the rumours and mysteries were a load of malarkey. He had practically been there forever, how could things like that just slip him? Though the giddiness got the better of him and he doggedly pursued the poster's instructions, however not before he got a certain upperclassman of his in tow. For his eagerness to see what the fuss is about, and see if the rumours really are true or not, and to find out just what's going on if they are, a particular Shiro has to suffer. He also had to find out about something that transpired at school about eight years ago for himself once and for all... [B]Skills:[/B] Surprisingly, an adept gardener. Though he's a little embarrassed he grows so many plants at home, especially the bright, showy kind... However, this gives him a heightened knowledge of botany, and the kinds of cures and poisons that can be extracted from or dealt with using the power of plants. At highschool student level, and from whatever the books he has on the subject have taught him, anyway. Also plays baseball for the school team, with an affinity for the feel of the wooden baseball bat in his hands, though true matches appear to be few and far in between. He is also quite good at whistling, and with a little practice, manage a fine rendition of most simple song's melodies. Also, computers are his second love. Using them, anyway. He's learning how to build them from scratch and some parts, though he much prefers the part where he can log on and play video games of his choice, and it's likely he knows what you're talking about when you talk to him about 'new' games in store. More so games with a mindblowing plot than what the norm might be. [B]Personality:[/B] Takeshi tries his hardest to be cool. Evidently, it's working for him. Though the keyword is 'tries'. Though he puts on a courageous, enthusiastic front about most anything at first glance, he's the most likely to be psyched out and panic. Concerning himself, the front is to hide a lot of deep-rooted insecurities he has, just like any other normal teenager. Concerning his friends, he's 'the grinning cheshire cat' as far as he knows, 'disappearing when danger is around'. He feels especially strongly about his cowardice, and vows to change it: Another reason why he chose to join the mystery club, but could not do it alone. He makes an effort to be charming as ever at any given point, and enjoys flirting with most pretty birds, though it's only ever lighthearted. Although he is not particularly analytical, he's got quick reflexes (thank you, baseball!) which further adds to his nickname, "The Cheshire Cat". For effect, he sometimes speaks in poetic verse that usually is very bad, but hey, if he's happy with it. He tends to be sarcastic more often than not, especially when he hasn't gotten enough sleep, though even so he's a friendly guy, and happily accepts or speaks to anyone who needs any of him, regardless of their year or status. The most likely to think up of innovative new ideas and push for them to become a reality, but also along with his knowledge on herbs, he's taken up basic first aid to be a rounded off individual on the 'treatment' front, so knows a little bit about how to treat victims in requirement of immediate care. Your essential 'healer', however for him to work, you have to have all the items present... [B]Biography:[/B] Takeshi grew up in the city, and attended the school for about as long as he can remember now. Not much truly has happened to him in his lifetime, he always had a good relationship with his family, his mother, father, older brother and younger sister...though an event from his childhood disturbs him immensely. He had a good friend who lived next-door, Shuuya, and he can't for the life of him remember what happened, but something went on at school and his friend started to become quite "paranoid" for lack of a better word. He always told Takeshi that something was wrong, that he didn't feel okay, and he felt like he was being watched and couldn't do anything against it. Takeshi brushed it off as nothing, telling his friend that he was just imagining it. However, this particular friend's odd disappearance in the next three days struck Takeshi as weird, and even weirder when the house beside his, where the boy used to live, seemed to 'shut down'. He cannot remember the last time he's seen the parents smile, and they always seem to be in a bit of a haze. Takeshi still was young then, so he doesn't remember how or why, but whenever he brought it up, his own family remained stiff-lipped, leading Takeshi to believe something had gone horribly wrong, though still left him in the dark as to what it was. He couldn't think of anywhere else but the mystery club at school that could help him solve what had happened to his friend Shuuya, or at least he could ask whoever was in charge about the events that transpired almost eight or nine years ago now. [B]Relationships:[/B] Good friends with his senpai Shiro, or at least he'd like to believe, but with her, you can't ever really tell...Also happens to be crushing on her. Also, Takeshi and Kazuo go back a year, when Tak's baseball club led him to meet the athletic Kazuo. They became fast friends, and now Takeshi consults his senpai for general life advice, and the pair meet up once a week often to catch up and chill out like friends do. [B]Other:[/B] Takeshi has a pet cockatiel at home he calls "Mint" after the English name for the herb. She's quite affectionate and is happy to be perched on his shoulder while he does his gardening in his balcony, where he truly gets to grow whatever he wants, as opposed to the front yard, which happens to be his parents' domain. In his backpack to school, along with his books, he carries some aloe in a little vial from his aloe vera plant at home, since you never know when you need the miracle plant. Also, the things in his backpack usually smell like lavender thanks to a little sack of the dried stuff he keeps in there to freshen it up. He himself also is found to radiate an herbal scent due to his time spent around spices and flowers of the sort.