[color=1a7b30][b][center]Gren Orchid[/center][/b][/color] As Gren tried to stem the tide of Grimm, Vorosky released some sort of explosive into the area. It caught Gren off guard, but it seemed to have affected the Grimm much worse. He took the opportunity to gun down a few while they stood there dazed, but over the noise of the gunfire he heard Vorosky order everyone to the river. Gren didn't really have time to protest and could get the gist that he wanted the students to make a run for it. Perhaps not the most brave thing to do, but a smart hunter knows how to pick their fights. Gren followed the others to the river, unfortunately being a bit slow due to the fact he likely outweighs everyone here at least twice over. He saw them take out pallets of all things to serve as their makeshift raft down the roaring rapids. Once more Gren had his doubts, but they had no place here. If he had more time he could construct a more stable water craft, but time was not on his side. He could already hear the other Grimm recovering from Vorosky's attack and come this way. As the students jumped onto their pallets and made their way down stream, Gren too took a pallet and stood firmly on it. His shook and dipped dangerously into the water, threatening to capsized, but Gren was able to rebalanced it. Using his Semblance he rooted himself firmly onto the pallet, which would allow him to follow up with some rather questionable actions. At this point Gren's mind wasn't really thinking rationally, but acting reactionary. While what Vorosky said was true, that the Itzamna couldn't swim and that the salamanders wouldn't catch them, the harpies proved little trouble to Gren. If anything, it showed off one of his lesser known skills: Anti-Air. Gren's massive weapon was more than capable of clearing the skies of the harpies, and anything that even so much as flew in his general direction was soon peppered with hundreds of bullets and occasionally nailed with a rocket, or at least caught in the splash. With no cover to protect themselves, Gren was able to fill the skies with firepower. Even for the few Harpies that somehow managed to avoid his onslaught, they were unceremoniously smashed into the river. One Gren caught with his off hand and crushed it's neck, doing nothing but lowering his accuracy a bit. And at that point his had accuracy by volume. At some point Gren realized that some of the students were gone, notable Vorosky. He was able to see Abel vanish over the rapids and feared the worse. So the faunas aimed The God Eater towards the river itself and began to unleash a hail of bullets, using the recoil to propel him from the back of the group to the front. But as he was charging forward a harpy tried to fly by him. Gren was quick enough to swing his still-firing God Eater at the harpy, buffering it with bullets. It was at that time however he noticed the anomaly ahead of him, shimmering when some of his bullets few it it's direction. Now realizing what had happened Gren once again charged forward with the help of the God Eater and jumped into the anomaly.