[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RNqzTba.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Chenrezig [b]Species:[/b] Magic Grasshopper [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Calm and collected in any situation, the insectoid creature that is Chenrezig has reached a state that can be described as enlightenment, having reached total understanding and wisdom of existence and the place of all souls within it, insight into her very self and knowledge of all sorts of matters. She, in her many years as a spirit, has in a way transcended, though there are still parts of her that have yet to let go of earthly ties; she, in despite of her wisdom and understanding, can be actually quite immature from time to time, frequently deigning to crack a joke in order to entertain both herself and those in her presence or scheming up a strange plot or two. She finds enjoyment in the small things, whether they be watching grass grow or pouring water into cups; the quest for enlightenment that she underwent in the past had forced her to understand the aspects of life, and she took to it with vigour. Indeed, though seemingly dispassionate and aloof from time to time, Chenrezig will always be a bastion of knowledge and energy, capable of dealing with any situation no matter if words or violence is needed. She can also be a rather spiritual creature. [b]Abilities (Spirit Form):[/b] [list] [*]Flight: As a grasshopper, she possesses the ability to fly. [*]Barrier Creation: Chenrezig is capable of materialising near-impenetrable barriers of solid light to defend herself and others. [*]Energy Beams: She can fire powerful beams of energy at enemies. [*]Shapeshifting: Chenrezig is capable of shifting into one different form (commonly a human form for ease of interaction) and back (excepting her weapon form) each day, and once that choice is made, she can no longer change shape until twenty-four hours have passed. [/list] [b]Significant:[/b] (Awaiting Profile) [b]Appearance (Weapon Form)[/b]: The "weapon form" that Chenrezig undertakes to assist her Significant is a suit of armour that is thematically based off insects, with the largest influence being her species of grasshopper. It is a light green colour, with the only other parts of the sleek armour that are different being the two black stripes that run down each side of the torso. The helmet has two large, black antennae sticking from the forehead that can assist in sensing things in the area, which contrasts with the large, unblinking gold eyes and jagged white mouthpiece. [b]Abilities (Weapon Form):[/b] [list] [*]Enhanced Physical Capabilities: The powers that Chenrezig possess can dramatically boost the physical prowess of her Significant. [*]Enhanced Sensory Functions [*]Magic Resistance: Her Significant becomes more resistant to magic. [*]Highly Protective Armour: The 'weapon' form of Chenrezig is in actuality a suit of insect-themed armour that forms around her Significant. [*]Locust Mode: When in dire straits, the Significant can call upon a berserker state that is not controlled by Chenrezig, empowering violent urges and a need for destruction with even greater boosts in physical prowess (as well as access to laser vision) at the cost of temporary sanity loss, constant anger and damage to oneself. In this form, the eyes of the suit glow red, and the light green of the armour becomes more of a sickly yellow. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] She is a silent slant-faced grasshopper.