[b]Ben Parker[/b] Without wasting a moment, Ben dives out of the nearest window, vanishing from view as he sprints and leaps across rooftops. Without a ship or webs to speed him along, he'd need to make use of whatever head start he could, no matter how small. [b]John Brock[/b] John soon arrives at the Academy and begins walking through the debris, hoping with all his heart to find someone still clinging to life. As he wanders listlessly, scanning the rubble and waiting Connor's group, John notices a pile of wreckage emit a small puff of dust. Although he pays it little attention, it is soon followed by another, larger cloud of dust shoots into the air. John, deciding to investigate, jogs over to the pile of rubbish. He powers up and, following his instincts, begins lifting away chunks of cement and bricks, dismantling the pile piece by piece.