My breath caught in my throat, my limbs feeling as if they were numb. Hearing my name in a voice so familiar...They obviously knew me well enough to recognize me by my voice. I racked my brain, trying to register who the voice belonged to. I had gone so long without hearing another human's voice, it seemed almost foreign to me. Suddenly, it were as if a light bulb went off in my head and my confusion and fear turned into joy and disbelief. "Julia," my mouth said the name before my mind could catch up. Surely I couldn't be imagining all of this. I slowly but steadily began to crawl towards her voice, not carrying about the noise my axe was making against the metal air vent. She couldn't have been too far down in the air vent, her voice was relatively loud. "It's me," I spoke again, trying to assure her she wasn't in danger. I knew, if she had been through anything like I had, her mental state might not have been so stable.