Woo boy! A lot to come back to. Alright, for now I'm going to stop accepting applications so I get get myself together. Two things to tell you guys, first: [s][i]we need Nguyen before we can start.[/i] Everyone else is kind of non-vital, so I'm going to make sure we have our Nguyen before I accept characters again.[/s] I'd also like to see a shade and a mutant. Second is that I'm not going to accept everyone, so I'm sorry if you're let down. [Better if I play Nguyen on my own.] Okay so: [@Jasonhero]: Yesterday I had you do a lot, and I didn't want to be too pushy, so I didn't mention the gunslinger thing. Haggis did express interest for in the check before you did, so I'm gonna have to ask you to change it to a different role--say, Ambassador of Hell? Something like that? I think her character is very believable for the role of a Gunslinger, seeing as how she's native to earth. Sorry about that, dude. If you can come up with a good role for this character to use in the group, PM me with it. Keep in mind that the goal of the group isn't necessarily to take down Daisy, Nguyen hasn't revealed why she's bringing you yet. Despite that I'm not accepting him [i]yet[/i], Azaadz should be a pretty interesting character in the group. I especially am interested in whatever happens when the group meets Diablo. Also dude, you mentioned in the interest check that your girlfriend knew me? What's her name, if I can ask? I'm unsure about the kik thing, as I've never enjoyed the application much. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79264-after-entropy/char#post-2552913]{AZAADZ}[/url] is reserved! Myself: I'm an idiot and I still need to finish the NPC's before I can finish Jamborii. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79264-after-entropy/char#post-2553158]{JAMBORII}[/url] is reserved for The Android! [@Esterdi]: Alright, not gonna lie, that's interesting as hell. With the medic usually being the nicest member of the group--it's a change, for certain? Also kudos for the character theme. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79264-after-entropy/char#post-2553311]{KARONA}[/url] is accepted as The Medic! [@McHaggis]: S-w-e-e-t baby Jesus that's exactly what I had in mind when I made the role of Gunslinger. I'm sorry about that, it's fine for you to keep that role, since you mentioned it in the check, and 'cause she's such a perfect fit for the role. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79264-after-entropy/char#post-2553463]{YANGTZE}[/url] is accepted as The Gunslinger! [@nerminator] I've seen your other roleplays, dude. No. This is high free, as stated in the rules--I'm not feeling your character either, even if he's a work in progress. I doubt the character's abilities to meet the roleplay's standards. Sorry, man. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79264-after-entropy/char#post-2553560]{JOE}[/url] is not accepted as The Kid! [@Valkyr] PORTAL SONG FUCK YEAH PERSONALITY CORE INSPIRED AI FUCK YEAHHH Alright, first off, that all looks [i]beautiful.[/i] Especially when you consider that all AI's have been humans before--I just. Ugh. Surprise me with whatever he does in the plot, Jesus. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/79264-after-entropy/char#post-2554078]{SAM}[/url] is accepted as The Operator![hr]REVIEW: We have The Medic, The Gunslinger, and The Operator. {3/7 Accepted}. We have Jamborii and Azghaal have places reserved. {5/7 Players}. Nerminator is disallowed from joining. Demons and AI's are no longer playable for other characters. [s]We need The Scientist for the sixth character![/s] We would like to have either a Shade or a Mutant for the seventh character. After deliberation, I'm considering extending the group limit to eight--my absolute limit, by the way.